
@Mikestan: Presumably it does work. And I'm pretty sure they sell plasters in clear in any good pharmacy.

@FritzLaurel: Fine. Hand in your car keys on the way out.

@xmywreckingballx: Well, not sure about that. Think van Gogh worked in oils, so a bit of water shouldn't actually cause a problem.

Not sure about this. My phone (moto milestone), having been set up to do usb on plug in, seems to do it automatically now.

Never really worried about it.

@jebrk6: Well you go do that then. But I want to warn you, you'd better run a bloody mile, as you'll never be allowed to set foot in good ol' American yards again, without us taking our pound of flesh.

Wait, so someone working for lifehacker decides the easiest way to show how to do something on a computer is to record it with a handheld?

@Ravennl: Did you miss the phrase "cargo blimps"?

@Tyrunn: Well, when you're out of electricity, it's just too much effort to pop down the hills to the shops.

Can you hear that tinny little noise, coursing through your skin, your veins, your thoughts?

Why is this such a blatant advertisement? I've seen hundreds of these multi-tip things, hell I own two of them, but why should this get a mention?

While it's not tetris, go look at Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. Nice mechanics for multiplayer in that.

@Heimdall: While I don't really care for the ipad, it brings one very important function.

@kevito: Hey, potatoe, pohtahto.

I'm hoping for a new physical controller for this. Something similar to those things you see divers use, basically a palm grip and five buttons.

@zjgz: These people know really quite a lot about it, that's their job. What they don't like is people doing whatever the hell they like. This is why they want control.