
@Xeno: To who? Everyone else is gonna do the same.

@jizMondo: That's impressive. You've been starred for sideboob.

Visited twi a few years back, and of course, got a talk about how wonderful this is. One thing not always mentioned, is that the chap who came up with it got five hundred quid for the privilege, and twi have since made millions licensing it to various people. Never invent something on company time kids.

@RobinSure: Replying to myself, as otherwise I'd be replying to quite a lot of people who pointed out my complete lack of mac knowledge.

@lolcopter: Wow, you're just digging deeper there aren't you? Yes, it's the internet, but it doesn't mean we have to be little shits to each other.

@sirmeili: I think wordpad can only cope with rtf files.

I know I'm going to come off as an anti-mac fanboy, but... did you have Word installed on 7? Or did you expect it to magically do things without the relevant programs?

@Bichatse: Well, blind people do sue the artist's guild that kicked up a crap about text to speech software for ebooks.

@Kaiser-Machead: I've heard the laser readers don't cope well with dirty LPs, as the physical needle would typically clean dust from the LP, but as a laser doesn't, it'll muck up the signal slightly.

@Bill-Lee: Is there some sort of competition to see who can best attract masses of people to enter pun threads?

@Joseph Garza: Not really, all you have to do is pick up a pen, and then... oh damn, I've forgotten.

My method:

@Dr. Evil Genius: When Skeletons Live: Just think about the market these things reach. Do we really need a major company saying "oh hey, isn't sex great? But nothing of the same sex together, oh no, that's just naughty".

@franklinshepard: Well, read the whole of the first volume, but it's a question I find myself asking more and more: Is it worth reading another two or three volumes that I probably won't enjoy to get to the better end, or am I better sinking my time into something I know I'll like?

@spudhed: It's very divided. Having worked my way through the first one, decided I couldn't be bothered with the rest.

@jabber: This is because the internet exists. Not for anything nobler.

Seems kinda pointless. The important bit of the commenting is the back and forth.

@Jim Topoleski: Actually, since you bought it, it's your property. They shouldn't be able to do crap to it. See the disaster when the playstations lost the ability to run linux. Or when amazon tried to take back some books.

@Kobun: Do we have to have pun threads time and again?

The future of computing is Patience apparently.