
@Jake Miller: These things self-assemble. Their main drive is to get a bunch of them together. They're really cute versions of the borg.

Holy shit. I've only just realised that Gattaca only contains the base pair letters. And I first watched the film years ago. Feel kinda dim now.

@BazookaJoe: They're just trying to be anti-apple now. Don't forget, giz is a populist blog, as opposed to an objective journalism site, and needs to ensure it appeals to its audience in order to keep eyeballs up.

@Nelson: I especially like the reference to "plastic", that well known reference material.

@mrgibblechip: I'd recommend picking up the milestone. I've had mine a couple of months now, and it's probably the best phone I've ever owned. The proper keyboard helps.

I'm not sure you can call micro-sim a "standard". Seems likes apple's own little crazy thing.

@dwardu: Trolling. Try learning the language of the internet, don't just come over here and steal our posts, you #00C000 bastard.

@FP_slomo788: You're suggesting there's a difference in pricing? Don't know bout you, but I frequently see games selling for at most two pounds less than the new price. Which is exactly what these guys are hoping for. Used games sales will be slashed almost immediately if they do this. (Assuming that people are aware

@Accordion: Think about FPSs. Now think about how you press a button to lean out from a corner to snipe somebody. Now think how cool it would be to be able to actually lean, or change your viewpoint so you looked round a corner by not just pressing a button.

@effin: Totally agree. If I'm buying a game, I'm looking for something with a good story, but if it's an RTS with a good story, I have no interest. Gamplay mechanics are the most important divisor between "genres" in my mind, and so naming the genres after them seems a perfectly logical thing to do.

@katorion: I'm not using it as an argument for piracy, I'm using it as an argument at the strong emotions it seems to bring out, which are completely out of scale with the problem, given the lackluster response people have to mroe severe issues. I mean, look at me. I've commented about five times on this, just today,

@Manipulated_Variable: That's an argument about the definition of copyright infringement which I've seen hashed out so many times, I didn't want to go through it again. I'm more curious as to why this is newsworthy.

@Josh: Think of all the shitty little things people do to each other every day. Passive aggression, hitting spouses, exploiting the third world (which the fancy computer you play the games you bought for does), and compare it to this. Honestly? Piracy is a low level thing. There's much much worse out there.

@Josh: Please. There's not some special thing about pirates that makes them particularly crap. Everybody's scum. We're all self-serving creatures trying to survive in a society determined to put all these self-serving things together in such a way as to help the group. It doesn't work. It'll never really work. It's