
We are bombarded with advertising and social messages every minute of every day telling us to buy stuff. Telling us that "ooh look at this! If you don't buy this, your life will be empty." It's driven us to a society where all we want to do is consume, and consume and consume. But we can't afford it. Of course we

I love the fact you're making sure people know "this is for legal things", and then the first tracker you give them is the pirate bay.

Bollocks. As someone who sleeps with men, the iphone has no effect whatsoever. Men turn into lapdogs the minute we turn up, iphone or not.

@AlucardsQuest: You know, I'd always avoided watching him, due to the fact he didn't seem to have anything other than the shouting, so I tried watching this.

@Minbad: There's money in it. No one will ever be surprised at the things people will do for money.

@jmontana: Isn't that all that macs use? I kinda figured the control meant all macs had the same cards. Is that wrong?

@Jon: And should probably point out that I don't actually believe you own one. And won't, until we see some sort of post-it note proof.

Trouble is, it'll probably give you the American pronunciation. So when I'm listening to Escape Pod and hear Eley mention George BerNARD Shaw, as opposed to George BERnard Shaw, it still throws me out.

I like Fry, but I've never been interested in his fawning over apple. And I've been enjoying not seeing about the flaming ipod. So this is cheaty. Stop it.

@scarr: Hell, I can enjoy subtle while still being a foul-mouthed commoner.

@Jim-Bob- Rockin' a Trabant 601 in 1:24 scale: Fuck you. I could accept that if we were able to watch Hulu etc., cause it's full of ads, and I'd still have to watch them, but the BBC is paid solely from people's wallets. People outside the UK contribute literally nothing, not even ad eyeballs.

Go get Munchkin. Relatively easy, and fun for kids.

How do they find these things? Do public figures employ people to google them, and hunt down anybody saying anything cheeky?

@weedragonaut: Not sure I agree with your straight analogy, as it's essentially a straight (no pun intended) reversal, where suddenly it's expected to tell people you're straight. It still falls down if you're prepared to make the assumption that most people, when in direct voice/face contact, are actually pretty

@tonyp21: Well, a lot of that is steeped in religion, and it's very hard to deprogram people out of that sort of thing. And I think marriage is technically defined as the man/wife thing, so civil partnerships are hardly a bad substitute.

I'm not sure this is really a fair comparison. Forgive me for steeping in stereotype for a minute, but the ipad isn't for gamers. The DS is. Nobody is going to consider the ipad as a primarily gaming device, and nobody buys the DS to take notes on. (I tried having a bit of a read on it for ten minutes, gave up, and

@RobinSure: This got a lot more replies than I was expecting.