
Given that the official version of the game requires a constant net connection to play, is it possible that the game downloads the last level over time?

@Firesphere: "Untie". He's not having a go at you.

@dchall8: That's why you should really keep usernames and real names separate. Course, you should practice what you preach too...

Man, they beat me to it. Knew I should have done this last year.

@Daumier: Bats has a villain called "The mad hatter". Someone beat you to it.

Okay, quick question. Is windows blocking my Tages drivers normal? It appears to be stopping me playing my legitimately owned games. How do I stop this?

I discovered an awesome way, oh, hang on, this isn't about cooking, but eating.

@happinessiseasy: Someone who might take away the title of editor they all have? For shame.

@McGoogles: See post above bout woofy.

Woofy does this, but better, as it'll let you download all of the previous comics. Stopped being supported, but link to get it here,

@31337h4ck3r: Or speed dial. Means you can map things to Ctrl + num as well, which is massively handy.

How do I find out if the "Is it compatible?" extension is compatible with an upgrade?

@elizabeththewellread: You believe not just in ghosts, but ghosts sufficiently bored that they'll mess with teenage girls.

@Stagtasticfantastic: The unquestioning belief of people in things that have never been proven is a bad precedence to instill in children at an early age, because religion seems to do nothing but fuck society up. Bring on our humanist overlords.

@e.mahony.bls: Yeah, it does deserve the same as all other religious beliefs, i.e. major skepticism, and a demand for proof. I'd love there to be an afterlife as much as the next gal, as the concept of death is hardly one I find appetising, but ouija and spirits and all these other things have plenty of proof against

@elizabeththewellread: You should be. Tis symptomatic of rather severe psychological problems, as you've subconsciously pushed the marker to get at yourself. Crazy.

@Sablis: You're doing it explicitly to troll. so who gives a fuck?

@deanbmmv: Okay, once you've written your faq, can you write a faq for it?

No one will use this,