
What's that sony? You're running out of money? Oh, who's a silly little game company, eh? Coochie coochie coo!

I run the extension that replicates Opera's functionality in a new tab. Quick Dial, that's it. Means I've much more options than a single link.

@Raw_fishFood: Eh, I find the guy who writes it to be waaaaaaaay too bitchy. I can cope with a little rant, but his things are all rants. Gave up after a while.

@BMT: It's pronounced skiffy the original way.

Well, why not just go kill him? I'm sure I can recommend a couple of games that'll give you hints - maybe L4D2 or Manhunt2.

Never mind.

Is it just me, or does anyone else still read Level 5 as Level 9 and think "Holy hell, they're back?"

@RJackson: Yeah, but that was for iplayer, which only us Brits can get. This is international, right?

@Prairie Moon: Technically, dessert utensils go above. But god knows how you put that in a mnemonic (which I need a mnemonic to know how to spell!)

@Jurandr: I'd like to recommend Unknown Devices:

Would the same trick work in a microwave I wonder? (The heat comes from a different source, so I don't know how the fluid mechanics would work.)

I have a rather revolutionary method.

DTI covers you for six years assuming it's a fault with the thing and not user cockup. Why would I ever buy an extended warranty? #warranties

Given I do all my telly watching either through torrents or the good Ol' BBC...I haven't seen an advert in years. I think I'm missing something with the meerkat one people keep quoting at me. #tv

@nycrite: Bound to. Assuming the popularity of this spreads, it'll either destroy the concept of free to one number, or push those tariffs much much higher.

@Juho Paaso-Rantala: Except that any battery life saved is minimal compared to the fact you're using a laptop/tablet whatever. It's just not sensible. #kindle

@ReynaldoRiv: I don't get why you would do that. Why buy a games console you can't play games on? Hell, if you're not adding anything to the industry anyway, why not just pick up a DS and and R4?

@BroScience: Cause it's apple. That implies apple fans.

@DiscoZombie: Eh, I'm one of those grumpy people who like some degree of reality in any convo. I've always stuck to real name usernames. Hell, I'm not gonna say online summat I wouldn't say in real life, so what's there to worry about?