
Hang on, are you suggesting sports games could be made fun? What are you, daft?

Despite the silliness in some of the comments below, some of the sentiment I agree with. Why should I automatically change the way I do things just to fit in with others? Maybe, just maybe, sometimes I do know best.

@phicaluk: Scotch is Whisky, Irish is Whiskey, and American is Godawful.

Man, I get enough of comments (like this one), where comments have space put aside for them. Why the hell would I impose them on the rest of the internet?

@SQLGuru: You think Penny Arcade is a tricky one to catch up on? Try Sluggy, or Schlock Mercenary.

@Junk.Mail: Yeah, I know. Took ages to find a working copy, the .exe of which now lives on my hard drive somewhere. I spoke to the bloke who ran it, and the DMCA was only half of it really. Tempted to pick it back up and start adding definitions to it. He said I could, so maybe...

Or use Woofy, to pull every comic from a site, and read as and when you want them. Handy for catching up when you've been away for a week too.

I just pop along to the university's grinding wheel, and stick on some coarse SiC paper. Two mins later, no chip, strip or signature, and chopping up to disperse between several bins avoids the numbers escaping.

Hmm, here's hoping the push function will be off by default. I think google knows enough about me already.

@cinejoe: Everybody is the same.

I've always envisaged myself explaining to the better half why I bought whatever I'm trying to buy. If I don't feel silly theoretically explaining it, it's a winner.

Google. Google google google. Almost anything I've ever needed to do, that didn't require professional technical skills is on the internet somewhere. I don't care what it is, google it first.

@aphex242: Well, statistics show that all divorces start with a wedding. What more of a causal link do you want?

Potentially useful if you have picked up one of the 100s of firefox addons that shows pdfs in browser.

@DiscoZombie: And Bulk Rename Utility will happily rename them for you.

@VenomIreland: I've always wondered about the frankly obsessive spell-correcting on this site. If you cock up a word with a single letter, but the meaning stays the same, why waste a post correcting it? Seems kinda pointless.