Robin's Quiver

Dogs aren’t obligate carnivores like cats. They are omnivores, and benefit from a more varied diet. Yogurt is very helpful for their digestive systems (just as it is for us), and it’s also health for them to get veggies. So while yogurt with spirulina powder sounds kinda new age-y, it’s not that odd. I know

That facial expression is what you see on someone paid to shill a product they don’t actually like, but they’re giving it the ol’ college try because bills gotta get paid.

Pam Bondi: “I was defending the constitution”

I was once berated by Pete Sessions in his legislative office as a 17 year old on a trip for some conference. It was during the Sotomayor confirmation hearings, and this asshole was going on and on about how dangerous she was for saying her experiences as a Latina informed her thinking. To a group of mostly-Latino

Ok, who is going to tell Pete Sessions that there are people who are both gay and latino?

he continued...”I had been there many times in the past, just because there are young men grinding with each other and dancing to electronic music doesn’t make it a gay club...because I was there and I am not gay!”

He’s probably the guy who is shooting up the place, to be honest.

I was 11 years old when Columbine happened. It was shocking, it was sad, it was enraging - I felt it all. I’m 28 now, and I no longer have feelings about shootings. I feel nothing. They’ve been a part of my life for too long. I’ve had 17 years of the news being peppered with phrases like “mass shooting”, “armed

we already are accepting of this. this has been the new normal for way too long. Obama was right, doing nothing is a choice and the USA has chosen to do nothing.

because we refuse to make any changes.

I’m German. I’ve been following countless discussion on US American media in the last years considering gun control. I’m sorry, I still don’t understand people defending their “right” to own a gun. I’ve tried hard. Why do you need it? We’ve got hunters and police etc with guns over here as well and yes we also have

What exactly do you think happened in those seven minutes?

This is why we need more gun restrictions—people can’t even be trusted not to beat the shit out of a McDonald’s employee for being “too slow.” Merica, we need to check our fucking selves.

Peach TP! Oh, that brings me back. So fancy. Much wow. Of course with matching fuzzy toilet lid cover, floor mat, and soft skooshy toilet seat cover that always made that “pffffffff” sound when you sat down and inevitably developed a crack to pinch your thigh meat.

Shoulder pads! My sister and I would steal them off my mom’s clothes and pretend we had boobs. Also I remember being REALLY EXCITED that when I grew up I too would wear sheer hosiery that came in Pokémon balls... Which we take out of those balls and put over our heads and run around in.

The fact that “responsible gun enthusiasts” - especially the owners/managers of a gun shop who are supposed to be the goodest, most responsibleist, and most level-headed of all the gun tribe - enthusiastically market a weapon that’s just been instrumental in the deaths of 50 civilians in a non-combat zone reeaaallly

OK, this has me dying. You’re never too old to be bossed around by Granny.

I’m sure that was nothing compared to what he had to wear today.


You really believe that Americans could wage a physical war with a hypothetical tyrannical government? I’m not necessarily for a full-on gun ban, but I just find the second amendment to be anachronistic with our current society. When people bring it up in the debate about gun safety and common sense regulation it just