
Upvote for the Station Eleven recommendation!

Star Wars: Jar-Jar Meets the Ewoks

Don't forget Tom H - everything is better with Loki!

Belly singer-songwriter Tanya Donelly released a pretty good solo record in 1997 (Belly's two albums were 1993 and 1995). Didn't seem to get any promo, though. I didn't care for her 2002 follow-up so much.

"I'm Batman" - How Guardians of the Galaxy Should Have Ended


So now they're Asian stereotypes? That's not progress!

Aww, man! I wasted an upvote.

Ditto (to both points)

That's the podcast where they discuss all things Middle Earth, right?

In an afterword at the end of the first book, the author talks about how much he loved Twin Peaks and how it inspired him to write the Wayward Pines books. But the plot, characters, and overall tone of the book is (unfortunately) much more derivative of other works.

Not surprising. Thanks for the info!

It's a perfect fit because the final twisteroo in the book was totally ripping off Shyamalan's own The Village (I think, I can't remember that movie too well…), and/or the ending to Cabin In The Woods.

As Sock Monkey said above, "Seriously, depending on how faithfully they adapt the books, any comparisons should start and finish at: small town with mysteries/secrets and a few quirky characters." 100% agree (except for the name, I guess). Anyone who reads the books or watches this series should not expect anything

Only if he reads the news in his Tom Brokaw voice.

As long as I can't see the AV Club ;)

I particularly enjoy "Backstairs"

I love this too! But unless you're over 50, he's not going to mail it to you.

I didn't know that the singing was apparently not MJ (according to the article, anyway).

Can't not mentally read that in Kelsey G's Sideshow Bob voice.