
My favorite song of all time is "My Favorite Song" and the rest of III/IV is so good!

That's cause AV Club is "for the olds" too.

This article: read
My time: wasted
This comment: sucks

Yes, and similar to several Stephen King books…

III/IV is still my favorite album of all time, if I actually had to pick one…


The lush alt-country band Hem recorded a beautiful cover of Radiation Vibe.

It's like no one was there before the Europeans arrived!

Okay, I'll get right on that. My Queen will be sad to hear the bad news.

How much does American Crossroads pay per Hillary-bashing comment, dude? I hope it's worth it…

Yup, me too. I was considering dropping Amazon, but haven't yet. Guess I'll be keeping it…

And Wavves

Just don't him started on the government… (Hi… hi, hi)

I agree that opinion can cross the line to promoting or endorsing censorship. I agree that other people's opinions can also be mis-appropriated to argue for censorship. I just don't agree that the review crossed that line.

I agree with your caution regarding free speech. I just think there's a difference between saying that you dislike ideas/speech to a sufficient degree that you 1) refuse to promote them (like with a "passing" grade in a review), and 2) are compelled to argue that they shouldn't be seen as acceptable and should always

Seems like the "no room" comment was intended more along the lines of "…in polite company" or "…in civilized conversation", or maybe even "…in my record collection", rather than as a call for censorship.

There can? [brain explodes]

Paraphrased: saying you dislike a metal album because of the right-wing xenophobic political themes of the lyrics, and that you strongly wouldn't recommend it = freedom of speech "ends".

[Looks down list of other 13 Republican candidates…]

Maybe it's time to reconsider how you feel about Jar-Jar.