
The A.V. Club

I sure wish Netflix would call it that ("Netflix Exclusive") instead of "Netflix Original". Much more accurate. They didn't pay to produce it!

Ryan Adams is always amazing live (or at least the two times I've seen him!)

I hope my favorite Heartbreaker's new comic books will bring in the Gold, because Love Is Hell, and sometimes you need comic books to keep away the Cold Roses. Back home, on a few Jacksonville City Nights, they'll all be saying "Easy, Tiger - your comic books may eclipse the entire field of Cardinology… but you make


She's just really high ;)

If we all write to Kathleen Kennedy, can he have his own spin-off feature film?

I prefer Atlas to Days for the guitar melodies and overall production sound.


I still really like Blunderbuss, but I don't really care for Lazaretto. Some of the songs have a cool sound, but the lyrics for most of the album either don't interest me or actively annoy me ("Entitlement").

"War on the East Coast" is great - I also really dig "Backstairs" off of Brill Bruisers.

My favorite new albums from 2014:
1. Overstep - by Mike Gordon
2. Atlas - by Real Estate
3. Ryan Adams - by Ryan Adams
4. Brill Bruisers - by The New Pornographers
5. Lost In The Dream - by The War On Drugs
6. Fuego - by Phish
7. Supernova - by Ray LaMontagne
8. Swimmin' Time - by Shovels & Rope

Not as hot as women dressed up as Tinkerbell…

Do you mean the Automatic For The People -> Monster drop off in quality?

Ocarina of Time is the one to play. Marjora's Mask is also good. Wind Waker's okay, and Twilight Princess just made me hurt (damn Wii controls).

Plus, sounds like it has a Costanza father-son reunion!

Don't forget the nasty in-fighting and tribalism! (I think some of the music is great though…)

Nice four-day weekend with the wife and kids… drank numerous beers, watched a lot of Futurama and played a lot of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. Went out to see Big Hero 6, which was great fun!

No kidding. I live in Oregon, where our Senator who was up for re-election (Jeff Merkley) was asked if he supported our measure to legalize weed. He said that he would probably vote for it. Not a ringing endorsement, but be way better than you'd hear from almost every other elected official in the USA*. Merkley went

American Graffiti wasn't that good…