
Secular Humanist Black?

Tested for midi-chlorians?

I think old man pop stars are sadder…

I don't get it. Stuck where? In the Black Lodge?

Pulling her music from Spotify makes short-term financial sense for a mega-star like Taylor Swift. I my view, Spotify-model music industry is not necessarily hurting musicians any more than the 90s/00s model of selling physical albums. (See http://www.businessinsider…. for some reasons why.)

Can't promote tobacco in a movie in this day and age, though. Weed, on the other hand…*

Cropped?!! I'll hang on to my DVDs, thank you very much.

Okay, one last one… "I Feel Free" from Fresh Cream has a pretty different sound than the rest of the album.

"Brown Sugar" def detracts from my enjoyment of Sticky Fingers.

I like Porno For Pyros' album Good God's Urge quite a bit, with the exception of the first track, "Porpoise Head"

"The Kiss" is a weird way for The Cure to lead off Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, but I guess it sets the stage for the eclectic collection of songs to follow. Others may disagree, but I don't think it's necessarily a great way to start the album…

Good thing Johnny Marr was there to help out too…

Sounds like I should give the rest of the album a listen, then…

Oh yeah, and the artist Lyle Hehn. He designs most of the McMenamins brand art, and his surreal, stylized paintings and murals can be found in McMenamins brewpubs and hotels all over Oregon and Washington. I love his stuff and I seek out McMenamins locations whenever I'm travelling, so I can see his artwork.

Ryan fuckin' Adams


You know AC/DC is the shit cause they're one of the only big rock'n'roll bands that you still can't listen to on Spotify! AC/DC, The Beatles, who else…?

Watch out for zombie neo-cons. Or vampires? ("You have to kill the head vampire!") Either way, THEY'RE BACK!!

Neither is a super-serious "Ghostfacers", which is more what this sounds like…

I assume that Easy Tiger was officially released by "Ryan Adams" instead of "Ryan Adams and the Cardinals" because of pressure from his label. The musicians that comprised The Cardinals at the time all play on the album. That said, it is probably the best overview of his range ever to be distilled into one album.