
Not only does he exist, but he is one of the best rock artists from the 2000's. Check out the album "Easy Tiger" for a good starting point if you're interested.

I absolutely love III/IV, but I wouldn't describe it as a B-sides comp - it's much too consistent for that. I think the story goes that it was intended to be the follow-up to Cold Roses (sides 3 and 4), and was rejected by his label. He shelved it and assembled Easy Tiger from III/IV outtakes and a few new songs. From

I would recommend starting with "Easy Tiger". But to back up… that's a really hard question to answer because he's got so many great albums and songs - and they're all over the map stylistically. "Gold" is a solid, early album. "Love Is Hell" has more "Smiths"-y aspects and a lot of beautiful devastating bittersweet

Not easy to become a "big deal" in the '00s, when popular culture became more and more atomized. That said, there's clearly an argument that Ryan's (massive) body of work from the '00s is a big deal. I think that's obscured by how non-genre-specific it is, all over the alt-country and modern rock map. Since coming

And a new album by The New Pornographers out today! ~Rockin'~

Ryan Adams is worth celebrating (and he plays "rock" some of the time)

Celebrity Death Match or GTFO

I think it's clearly him. I want to know the story behind the "Homer Simpson Story" avatar pic, but I'm too nervous to ask.

I turned 15 in '94, and was just breaking out of my REM/U2/Nirvana/Pearl Jam music box. I remember being introduced to Led Zeppelin, The Grateful Dead, and especially The Beatles that year (my girlfriend loved The Beatles and they were new to me). I also started going to local punk shows. I didn't listen to the radio

Wasn't the crest of the DMB deluge more like summer of '97?

Bought a bottle of gin (nothing fancy) to infuse with fresh cucumbers from the garden. Cucumber gin is tasty stuff!

Not sure it makes up for King's assertion that being successful ought to preclude clinical depression.

I thought it was funny…

I'm not a big fan of music videos, and I wasn't old enough to catch this period of The Cure when it was actually happening, but I really enjoyed the video companion to Staring At The Sea when I finally discovered them in the 90s. The videos for "The Hanging Garden", "Let's Go To Bed", and "The Love Cats" are really

So sad. My real name is Robin, and I used to joke that I was named after him. He was one of my idols as a pre-teen - I loved his stand-up, his movies, Mork & Mindy, and his whole Robin Williams thing…