It occurs to me that of they go that route, we could also see Half Life: Barney, which would also be awesome.
It occurs to me that of they go that route, we could also see Half Life: Barney, which would also be awesome.
My prediction is that it will be ‘concurrent’ with HL2 - sort of the way HL1 had Blue Shift and Opposing Force - in that it will show what Alyx was up to during the events in City 17.
Steve Irwin as a Gym Leader plz.
Interesting fact regarding convenience foods and the stigma attached - easy cake mixes were initially made as 'just add water'. They were every bit the equal of more complex recipes. But they were deemed TOO easy. Housewives didn't buy them because it just seemed suspicious. So they were reformulated to require eggs…
Binding of Isaac.
Went to Minervium here in Davis, CA just recently. Was very impressed. Good use of electronics and the puzzles were excellent. Lots of ‘Ahah!’ moments. We finished with a scant six minutes to spare, owing to one of the final puzzles being a bit tricky.
Warframe has also worked towards colorblindness compatibility. While there are ‘green good, red bad’ icons, the icons are also shaped differently. The crosshairs are the target, that sort of thing. Openable containers have lit indicators, while unopenable ones do not. Nothing you need color for.
For those wondering:
Waitwaitwait... Is that a Bluey the dragon plush?! From Dragon-Tails webcomic?!
Evangeline’s Costume Mansion, in Old Sacramento. LOVELY place. Has the typical halloween stuff, but also an excellent selection of hats, wigs, and random stuff.
Evangeline’s Costume Mansion, in Old Sacramento. LOVELY place. Has the typical halloween stuff, but also an…
Yaaaaay Tina!
I’m going to have to disagree on the ‘homeless behavior’ caveat.
What argument can I make that will you accept?
*cues up the Barry White music*
Ahh, I stand corrected - Sonic just clarified over on the Twitters- they’re going by they/them, apparently.
Mike, I am very, VERY disappointed in you. You absolutely neglected any sort of ‘bun in the oven’ joke. Christmas is now ruined.
IKR? “You beat me? AWESOME!”
Yeah, Sonic came out as Nonbinary a couple days ago. I think he’s still using He/Him pronouns.
Original Pitch Black was the best thing ever.