
Hey, in this economy, I'll take what I can.

Hey, they had four points of articulation, action grips, and some even glowed in the dark!...

Sorry, I’m an incorrigible punster.

that last one reminds me of playing with 1980s-era ‘action figures’.

“What kind of creature is that?”

Yeeeeessss... but not like, HUGE kaiju. Just enough to eat a car or something. Gives some stealth.

Should have used Black 2.0. Only reason I can think fo for painting anything Vantablack is to piss off Anish Kapoor.

Mug is coming up as $6.99.

Mug is coming up as $6.99.

In other news, water found to be wet.

Seconded on the bike light. Missing coupon code, perchance?

Seconded on the bike light. Missing coupon code, perchance?

Now playing

Someone made a Tie Fighter short a while back. It’s more Macross than Ghibli, but it’s very nice:

Have made saltwater taffy. It’s fun? If time consuming. And don’t do it of it’s humid.

I am reminded of the sentry turrets in Half-Life 2. Very powerful, unlimited ammo, and once you grab one, it likes you and will shoot your foes. Carrying one along is worth thal exrtea effort.


Nice, but it needs a teensy little ‘Reserved’ sign on the table.

Married With Children living room would work well.

I find it helps to have some nice spooky music playing. (Ghostly Music Box from Disney’s Haunted Mansion my fave) A friend also has some of those remote-controlled LED candles for the ghost to indicate success or failure.

I find it helps to have some nice spooky music playing. (Ghostly Music Box from Disney’s Haunted Mansion my fave) A

Sweet! Was on mobile, didn’t watch the video. Will have to check it out.

I like the Snow White/Captain America mashup behind Storm.

Thirded. The story is... They’re very good at some VERY solid HOLY CRAP moments along the main quest lines, but much of the story is told through the little bits here and there. Sparkling shards of greater stories, scattered through the worlds. Sometimes literally.