
To paraphrase Wayne's World: If you drink an entire jar of mayonnaise while maintaining eye contact, and she doesn't leave, she's yours forever. But if you chug mayo and she bolts, it was never meant to be.

You. Can. Drink. Mayonnaise.

Wait wait wait wait... What does this mean for NFTs? Many of their images are procedurally generated, so now we can go ahead and copy all the apes we want? Use them commercially?

*tips hat* I try my best.

This is totally like that one kid back in grade school, who would act tough and challenge the big kids and then claim the other kid didn’t show up for a fight, so they’re cowards, etc.

I was at a convention a while back, where as part of the charity auction, they were offering a chance to play against none other than SonicFox. Who had to play with increasing amounts of handicaps. Backwards controls, standing on one leg, even wearing the fursuit head wasn’t an issue. It wasn’t until they needed to

I’m wondering if there’s anything in there saying they can’t game naked, because I may have an idea...

I’m imagining each NFT is a single CGI baby falling out of a collapsing building in a shower of glass and so forth.

Seconded. Being hacked is pretty much the standard life cycle of a crypto outbreak.

Show of (claw-shaped) hands, who’s a bit disappointed that the Valve splash didn’t have the back of a Lego minifig’s head..?

Nah, this is the men’s department. Hips and butt have their own slider, and go way beyond blown out, past freak of nature, and well into "cannot pass through normal-sized doorways unaided" if you're using specially tweaked body frameworks (some people want to be non-human avatars like trains or something)

More or less, yes.

I am reminded of Second Life, which had sliders for various attributes, including one that went from ‘Coin Purse’ to ‘Dufflebag’. Amusingly, at about 95%, said slider would cause additional bulging around the groin and hips, resulting in the character looking like they were wearing a diaper.

It’s important to realize that Niantic is actually a very VERY small company. A lot of the development woes we’ve seen over the years from them stem from simply not having the staff. Laying off that many people is a CHUNK.

I was given a twelve-hour stint in Twitter Jail for the tweet “He should be tossed into a cistern”. Instantaneously, so I’m supposing there’s something checking for people making fun of Musk.

I wonder if it’s also an anti-piracy thing? If *every* copy of the movie is completely unique, then any bootlegs would be easy to track for their source.

Given how problematic Ezra Miller has become, this gives the studio an ‘out’. Next Justice League movie, they just have Barry From Another Timeline show up. “Who the heck is this guy?” “No idea, but he knows us, he’s got Flash’s powers, and we’re kinda in the middle of fighting the Big Bad.”

It is worth noting that lawyer Marc Whipple has offered to represent the families of said children, should they wish to sue the pants off these ghouls for violation of right of publicity. For a nickel. And he’s willing to loan them the nickel.

Right? I would expect a fifth, and not be surprised by a tenth. 

Sweet! The littel bastards are fairly common in my area, and bear strong resemblance to some mushrooms used in Asian cooking. Every decade or so, there will be a very sad story in the local papers.