That would pretty much be PAX.
That would pretty much be PAX.
Think I’ll go for a sphinx. Nice conversationalist, good in a fight, might be big enough to ride to work.
You mentioned ‘getting shocked’, but I think this bears mentioning: if you own a Prius, or other hybrid, don’t try and fix it yourself unless you have specifically been trained to do so. Do NOT touch the orange cables.
So, a VR version of Artemis, then?
May. He. Rot.
Well, I never said it would be a good idea. I mean, the rest of it is hardly edible. You might get lucky and pass it without serious injury.
In town during the local fertility festival/asparagus harvest.
Changeling: The Dreaming - Courtside at an honor duel:
*cracks knuckles* Okay, this is a long one, so bear with me.
Adorbs! Look at that! You could eat that!
With cinnamon and sugar, just like at the state fair!
I have one ironclad rule when I loan money: I will not loan out more money until the first loan is paid back in full. Period. I make folks aware of this when they ask. It works surprisingly well.
Well, he IS full of it...
You mean Van Gogh, right? Dali is the melting clocks guy.
May want to rephrase that headline. it makes it sounds like the person is requesting a Steam key, saying “Hey! I support Gay Rights! Therefore, I deserve free game codes! Gimmie!’, instead of “You are handing out keys, may I have one?” “No, because gays.”
I initially misread her name as ‘Victorian’. A Steampunk Transformer (Combiner, even) would be nifty.
Honestly, anyone who blames the parents clearly does not have offspring of their own, and is likely in for a shock if/when they do.
Norway has us beat. Their Prime Minister went out as a taxi driver.
I’m nearly dead with surprise.