I was getting more of a Lone Wolf and Cub vibe, myself.
I was getting more of a Lone Wolf and Cub vibe, myself.
Yep. AdBlock is your friend. It can get wonky at times, as some sites realize you are using it and will kvetch, but it is your friend.
Preach it. Gives me heart flutters, too.
Totes adorbs.
I will note that a lot of ‘medicine’ at the time was aimed at preventing ‘self-abuse’. Kellogg was not alone in his... ideas... he was just the most idiotically fervent about it.
Oh, wait, wrong seller. May want to put that in the description again.
Oh, wait, wrong seller. May want to put that in the description again.
Getting an error on the earbud promo code.
Getting an error on the earbud promo code.
My father gave me good advice regarding car colors:
How wonderfully patriarchal of you.
No, it isn’t. That is just total income for the household. That could be one earner, two part-time earners, or for the pricey locations, probably two full-time workers.
At least they didn’t call it a ‘hack’.
Mr Skygak is pretty legit. I’ve read the old archive of his comics, and the jokes hold up pretty well.
I would totally watch the mother loving heck out of this.
Is this a bad thing? No!
This literally makes it worth it to fly to Colorado - first class, even - and buy your Tesla there. The drive home might be a bit awkward, depending on your location, but dayum.
It is a wonderful game and all, but something about it puts my phone into overdrive. It will drain the battery rapidly, and heat up to the point of discomfort.
Hey, if it wasn’t in Arizona, I’d be all over it. Nearly twice what I’m making now, and I’m a decent driver.