Hot. Smoking. DAMN. That is some serious detail work there.
Hot. Smoking. DAMN. That is some serious detail work there.
Goat Mom is best Mom.
Take it away, Iago...
*looks around furtively*
Fun fact: Years before ‘Hot Coffee’, this game had a spell where you could cause women to lose their tops. Yay for video game boobies! One was the bar wench, the other was the receptionist in the hidden Naughty Dog offices. There’s an orc in the bar who gives you the recipie in the form of a riddle.. but it’s pretty…
This would make Farmville like, ten thousand times more awesome.
Cookies not available. Sad face.
Cookies not available. Sad face.
And now your aunt will introduce you at gatherings as ‘the one who puts all those doors in video games’.
A reminder to those who might otherwise post: You need THREE layers for inception. Two layers is Yo Dawg.
Yeah, this popped up on my feed the other day. Hilarious.
Also, the plastic tablecloths from the party supply section. Pretty decent fake flowers, too.
Seconded on storage stuff. I grabbed about twenty cheap fabric boxes to help organize my closet. Not just containers, either. Our local one has suit bags and hangers. Cheap and not very durable, but for long term storage, perfectly fine.
Seconded on crafting supplies. Avoid the markers (cheap, may be dried out), but a lit of good stuff may be found. I needed some thin plastic sheets for a project. Boom - two dozen ‘For Rent’ signs.
The singular pronoun version of ‘they’, and in this instance anyone who is willing to admit that he or she is incorrect. Not McMike specifically, but the broader set of apologetic persons, of which McMike is a specific case.
It is a good person who can admit they were wrong. Much respect, sir.
No, that’s a D1. It has one side.
I seem to recall that Notch wanted to have real physics in game. Unsupported blocks would fall, much like sand or gravel does.
Well, it’s a fantasy universe. maybe they’re to avoid stepping in deep piles of manticore poop?
Awww... no Black and White 3?