Does it have hats?
Does it have hats?
Not sure if it got mentioned, but there was a VERY nice BattleTech game that got shitcanned by EA when it hit Gold. It was an awesome game, and the semi-open Beta meant me and my buddies could play. Original Inner Sphere, none of that wacky Clan tech. Four Mechs (Lance) on a side. Seek and destroy. Network code was…
I rather enjoy my Kershaw, though I can’t remember which one it is. Kershaws in general are good knives. Not ‘great’ knives, mind you, but decent enough that the knife snobs won’t laugh at you.
In all fairness, some cars are literally dangerous to work on if you don’t know what you are doing. Not for the results of screwing up the computer, I mean working on it can injure or kill you. I have seen the Prius maintenance manual. It has photos of what happens when you touch the orange wires. DO NOT TOUCH THE…
It has been done. It is rather 'clunky', but functional.
Heh... I remember those days. Oh god, Zima...
You are right. The ability to hear high-pitched sound diminishes markedly with age. Of course, since engineers can't hear the sounds their devices make, they don't know to correct for that capacitor whine or whatever.
In other news, in the next season of Top Gear, The Stig will be six foot five, and no explanation will be provided...
Most such ultrahydrophobic surfaces are less 'slippery substance' and more 'nano-surface', which is to say that the coating isn't chemically repelling the liquid, but the shape of it is. Swallow a chunk of it, it will likely pass through without incident, just like any teensy bits of plastic or bugs in the actual…
Y'know... That is some rather gratuitous fan service. I mean, I have no objection to the idea, and quite enjoy it myself, but there is a difference between trasing, tantalizing glimpses and blatant.
Gotta admit: That would not be a bad design for a lego skirt. Block with feet on the bottom. Would make sitting poses tricky, though.
Nah. If you look close, it's a thin wrap-skirt around a normal set of minifigure legs.
Ahh yes... 'Con Crud'. Because there is always some idiot who refuses to stay home despite being a walking cold medicine advertisement.
Fun fact: while pee is drinkable, you can only do it three times. 'Cycling' it more than that and it will have too much waste to be worth it, biologically speaking.
How do they hold up to, say, repeated and prolonged motorboating? Asking for a friend.
YES! A fine game, that.
I recently downloaded 'Ez Pz RPG', which is pretty much hands-off except for 'equip this gear', and 'go on this quest' options, as well as some crafting and such.