
I am reminded of when Second Life had slot machines. Then it came down that it was in violation of online gambling statutes (and among other things, there was no way to analyze player-created machines for fairness). So practically overnight, the games became 'skill games'. Not a LOT of skill, mind you, and they still

Cue the Take My Money gifs...


Honk honk.

No mention of gatchapon toys? Bah.

I play Spy in Team Fortress 2 the same way. If I can tie up half the other team, running around looking for me, that is even better than killing them. A sapper here, an inattentive Sniper there, maybe disguise asa Medic and use a Heavy as a knife holder... It isn't about the K/D ratio, but by how much you can keep

For a tablet game, it is pretty good. Corny humor, as noted, but good for if you are in the mood for non-casual gaming. Not a whole lot of depth, but still worth the money, I thought.

Randall Munroe of XKCD had a ball pit in his living room. He had two things to say about it.

You would be surprised, actually. Even if they can never pay a dime, their debt is a valuable commodity, that can be sold. There are many (somewhat shady) companies out there who are willing to buy your legal claim. It will usually be for pennies on the dollar, but it is better than nothing. Added bonus: said

Personally, I rather like the Bootlegger Reverse, which is a controlled sideways skid that flips you around the way you came. Them Duke boys used it a lot. Gotta be careful, though, or at the midpoint you wind up rolling.

There was the South Park version:

Well, perhaps lack of sympathy is the wrong word I am looking for... Hmm...

Yes, but 'slipped and fell' has become such a cliche, it has wrapped around and become a code phrase for 'sexytimes'.

Or sympathy.

Seconded on Thief. For one thing, it had a bad caseof 'console-itis', where a PC game has the same controls as the console. These controls may be fine and good when using a controller, but standard mouse-keyboard it gets real old, real fast. Secondly, the departure from the main 'magic/gearwork' environment to a

It is called 'pruno', and it is pretty much the worst way to get drunk. It looks, smells, and tastes like the vomit in a dive bar toilet, and that is when it has been properly made. Strong though. If you can keep it down, you'll be utterly shitfaced.

I can't breathe.

appropriate soundtrack:

*walks in*

Sorry, all I can hear when reading this is: