
The Magicians (SyFy TV series) was very LGBTQIA-friendly to begin with, but the episode “A Life in the Day” was maybe one of my best (top 10?) episodes of television in the last couple of decades and one of the best queer episodes I’ve seen in quite a while...

Is Midnight Cowboy too old timey?

Especially funny because Shaloub isn’t Jewish IRL.

Shippers tend to do a lot of ‘baiting.

You may now have Australia, Nilus.

Superman: Flyby

I figured you would be more familiar with his kneeling height

Superman canon height Golden Age/Post-Crisis- 6'2"

I did not know I wanted a live action Brave, but now I do. 

I mean I guess that’s true but I feel like Incredibles is a good case study as to why animation is a superior artform when it comes to the superhero mini-genre. (Ditto for the Spider-Verse flicks)

‘”Sure, live-action A Bug’s Life sounds like nightmare fuel, but overall, I never dreamed my position on this would move...”’

Can we lock him in a room with Ted Cruz?

I’ve always liked Chris Rock way more than I ever liked Will Smith and I thought “well that was a dick move” when it happened, but I never thought “well, that’s it for me with regards to anything having to do with Will Smith!” I felt bad for Rock, but he rolled with it and responded at a later point. He seems all done

This will only encourage Will Smith to continue slapping whoever he pleases.

I kinda felt bad for Cat’s brother Edmure at the end. When he proposes himself for king and they all basically laugh at him and tell him to sit down and shut up.

It also helps that the characters of Succession are just fleshed out, well rounded characters. This bunch… not so much. 

The biggest problem is the lack of humor.

The series premiere, The Heirs Of The Dragon, came out swinging with a bloody, satisfying jousting sequence.”

Whoa.  Calm down.  Did you know you can criticize someone’s work without personal attacks?

It really cannot be stated enough how having nobody likable is deadly for drama.  Yes, there are conflicts with no clear good factions, hell the War of the Roses that inspired the show is very messy.  But your lying if you must make every single individual involved either conniving, cruel, or merely interested in