
I think the Council’s unspoken (and correct) agreement is that Aemond will be one hell of a lot safer flying his dragon into battle than Aegon was, since he’s a much, much, much better warrior and it’s a much, much bigger dragon.

Hold up but Corlys has lost a wife, two children and an alleged grandchild in name only to this senseless Targaryen war. When Corlys requested the Targaryen’s for help defending the seas Viserys told him to kick rocks because peace was more important than helping him defeat a common enemy. Now when a brother is taking

A citadel without a capital C is just any castle contained within a city. Though the review still made a mistake, since the people are confined within the city, not within the Red Keep. 

I’m losing my grip on Daemon’s motivation. From season 1, I took Daemon as an agent of chaos who only cared about being Viserys’ heir to the extent that it got him Viserys’ attention and unsettled Daemon’s rivals. Now, after one fight with Rhaenyra, Daemon’s planning to take the throne for himself? Is he that deep in

The live rounds were supplied by someone who has a problem with the person who supplied ammo to the Rust production by walking them into a police station after Gutierrez-Reed was convicted. So, there’s no link to the Rust set, no chain of custody, and a clear motive to suggest the guy who did supply ammo was the one

I was about the same on X- it’s a decent film, enjoyable if you’re a horror fan, but nothing to write home about. Pearl IS worth your time though. It’s the best of the three by a wide margine.

FWIW, Maxxxine is the least of the three. It’s ok, but pretty sloppy.  That might be “intentional” given it’s supposed to be

Not only would this be a completely different article and comment section if the genders were reversed but people would also be bitching about how Goth was never a very good actor to begin with and has really fallen off since her debut...  

I’m sensing a double standard in these comments.  Whatever happened to Believe The Victim?

It reminds me of when the Struggle Session podcast reviewed the HBO Watchmen series and Jack Allison matter-of-factly explained that the reason it was made was so that Warner could add more content to the Watchmen page on its streaming service. This series is like that times 10.

More like Letitia Wrong, am I wright?

Not just the pop music choices/moments, but Lost also has one of the greatest original musical scores in television history.

This right here.

Biden is going to cost this country so fucking much and fuck the entire apparatus supporting this fucking albatross right now. Forget about Project 2025, that’s think tank spook shit, I remember the freak out over the Project for a New American Century, this is about the Supreme Court and health insurance for about

I don’t disagree. THAT SAID, I think that IF Biden’s line on his debate performance is that he wasn’t as well-rested as he should have been, and IF we buy that, then I don’t really see how “Hey, do *more* appearances, and do them after 8pm” works.

There might be a point somewhere in there if all the criticism of Biden actually came with a solution ... like perhaps a candidate that could take over and take on Trump, or maybe a strategy going forward, or anything really.

Although her bravery was admirable, Rhaenys’s sacrifice was stupid. After Aegon and Sunfyre went down, she had absolutely no reason to stick around. Vhegar and Aemond were distracted, Rook’s Rest was a lost cause, and she already did tremendous damage to the enemy, literally crippling (and possibly killing) the Usurper

I’m really not sure why people still insist that Alicent should have heard her dying husband say their son’s name and the word “prince” and assume he was talking about his ancestor. Alicent didn’t know the story, and the “grammar” of the show was that it was Viserys’ failure by keeping things from his wife. We were

I’m really tired of this whole discourse.  Trump has given a worse performance in every debate, rally, and press conference he’s done since 2015.  There’s something to be said for the Dems having higher standards than the bottom-feeding grifters in the GOP, but JFC, the entire country is acting like the sky is

Biden taking credit for Sweden and Finland joining NATO is delusional.”

Oh no, I was aware of Tek Knight’s... uhh... proclivities, but this is going way beyond that.

Kripke writes every villain as a sexual deviant. It’s really kinda stupid.