
I dunno about that. I love Silent Hill (and am cautiously optimistic about the SH2 remake), but outside of the camera, there is plenty of jank in that game too. The combat is beyond shaky and wasn’t even good at the time, IMO. Games back then simply were trying stuff and not always pulling it off.

i mean it had problems that were documented at the time but it was a gigantic leap forward in 3D action games and was a huge success.

You used the phrase, now you owe $2 to the group of men who created the Spice Girls. 

It was a pretty good game in its day. Not sure what about it screams “tech demo” to you. Parts were rough and ready, but that’s most games back then (look at the first Resident Evil, which got similarly massive and inspired movies also). It had a good hook —Indiana Jones but female and British. They were smart about

I wonder how nuanced they’re going to be distinguishing between anxiety the emotion (something we all feel from time to time) and anxiety the condition (a mental health issue that has huge effects on the way people who have it develop and function from day to day).

It’s interesting how these ‘cleaning house to go in a new direction’ layoffs never seem to clean out the people at the top that greenlit all the bad decisions that led to the layoffs...

That’s funny, because my main problem with TS4 is that it starts to raise those questions of autonomy/purpose would be interesting... in another movie and not a franchise that’s already 3 movies deep. Like personally I thought the whole purpose of a toy was kind of well trodden ground in TS2 when Woody & co. convince

Toy Story 4 was a cash grab. Lightyear was a cash grab.  Toy Story 5 is beating a dead horse.

Generally disagree. Good writing is good writing, and they’re suffering from bad and lazy writing, both in concept and execution. There’s no apples to apples comparison because the new ones are simply not conceptualized or executed as well.

I thought I was the only person who didn’t like Elemental - I thought the animation was legitimately ugly and the story was not remotely engaging.

-Me at the “buy ticket” screen for Toy Story 5.

I think Incredibles 3 could be fine... if it didn’t take Incredibles 2 so long to come out. I mean that in and of itself kind of proves that it was very hard for them to come up with a decent enough idea/script to make it all work. And I think most people agree that it’s not as good! So swinging for 3 is a tough sell,

It’s also worth noting that in this case, the story that has “mass appeal” is the one about the emotions of a white American girl, in contrast to some of the content of Pixar’s previous releases. (Turning Red’s protagonist was Chinese-Canadian; Lightyear featured the studio’s first same-sex kiss;

I hold particular personal disdain for Monsters University and Incredibles 2 because they make such boring broad story choices in such interesting worlds but I agree that it's not badly made

Pixar hasn’t quite been the same since the departure of Jim Lasseter.  He seems to have been the creative center of gravity for his time at both Pixar and Disney Animation: he doesn’t bear sole responsibility for those achievements, but it seems like it was his management and critical eye that helped shape and guide

Every other movie being a sequel is pretty par for the course for Pixar of the past 15 years. Their 2001-2009 run of uniformly worthwhile original films is an extraordinary outlier in the history of all movie studios. I don’t love it, but if they have to crank out a Monsters University so they can roll the dice on

Wait... why is Orphan Black: Echoes being included as a new show? I thought that maybe it was Season 2 because I watched Season 1 last year when it was released. 

Their argument will be shouting “He was a producer! HA-PRUH-DOO-SER!!!!!” in the jury’s face for 6 hours per day.

Root & Shaw is my favorite, so glad to see that on the list.

Chuck and Sarah from Chuck is my favorite.