
So good

Lol, really?

Isn’t this already well-known? Chris not initially being interested in making The Dark Knight, and that Johnathan was who pushed for it is something he freely admits even on the DVDs. (and I’m sure pressure from WB factored in as well.) I think given the way franchise films are now, people assume the Joker Card was

As much as kids loved it, that last thing Ghostbusters movies needed to turn into was a family-friendly.

Hot take: I’ve held the belief for a while now, that I think 007 should end. There’s only so much they can do with James Bond (several times over), and it has proven doubly hard post-cold war.

I agree about the lore in Ghostbusters being very intriguing. But I also agree that maybe trying to expand it has only made things worse. This might be an instance where two things can be true. Like how Tarantino built in some intriguing lore in Pulp Fiction, but obviously that film is best left as is.

Yes, it’s weird, that’s sort of been driving me crazy about this too (since I think the concept could actually make for a great satire). I was re-visting the football classic Rudy, last year, and it struck me that the groundskeeper who gives this kid life lessons, keeps him from giving up on his education, and in

Hard Target, lol. Fun list! (heartbreaking dramatic punches aside.) I stan for Punisher: Warzone precisely because of the scene featured.

Excellent choice

The reviews have been disappointing. I was rooting for this.

Now I want to hear his review.

Deactivating his email, deleting his instagram, gotdam.

This is really well said. As much as I liked KOTFM, I agree about the expectations we hold for certain directors, and to that point, it’s why I felt Nolan actually surpassed what I expected of him with Oppenheimer. It’s notably improved when it comes to character study- Keep in mind we’re coming off Tenet and (hot

If it helps, Babe’s nomination did cause quite the stir at the time.

He keeps miscasting DiCaprio

“Republicans buy sneakers too” - 

Why do this? Pacino came out of that looking like an old man who forgets things, and you’re telling me that’s what the producers where going for??

Some of those are pretty notable, not gonna lie. The problem was compounded by setting this to an actual song, which I never like because it really limits them to the finite amount of time of that single song. (By contrast, instrumental background music can be played on an extended loop if need be.) And what made it

Surprisingly okay show. The presenters’ jokes were mostly decent, and they really let the winners’ speeches get their time (after last year’s criticisms). Nearly all the predictions were accurate, but when that’s a good thing, since the right films were winning, imo. Gladstone’s loss was the one surprise, but as much