Robert Zombie

He has vibes of probably being a prick in real life, but he has such a great line delivery and world-weariness as Hawkeye that he’s one of my favorite Avengers, despite the jokes about him being a useless guy with a bow and arrow and no powers. And his “you’re an Avenger” speech is the top moment in Age of Ultron.

Uh, you obviously haven’t been following his court cases over the last decade, public due to his ongoing custody battles. There’s a lot of bad in there. It’s easy to look up though.

Isn’t this “no true scotsman” logic? And I know nothing about the specific people in question here.

Yeah, I’m a leftist and these kinds of self-proclaimed leftists absolutely do not jibe with the values of that philosophy. Dirtbag leftists are basically just Republican edgelords who are too embarrassed to actually associate with Republicans.

‘dirtbag left’ = ’m pro queer, pro choice, and pro weed. I showed up at a BLM rally. We good? Can I rap along with Tupac and say (whisper) ‘the n word’ now?

Leftist, per the review above (although it was in scare-quotes).

I’ve never heard of this person or her work but your comment got me to googling. She’s Comfry on Succession. I’ve enjoyed that character and this movie sounds bonkers. I think I’ll give this a shot.

The most I can really stand of Dasha Nekrasova is her trolling of Infowars, and her latest appearance on Succession. This trailer seems too much Dasha for me too handle.

C+? This review makes it sound like a D-.

I'm sorta weirded out that the day after they did a joke about a new variant, I turn on the news and there's a new variant to worry about for reals.

This kind of insider analysis is 100% my jam. Ask me about the FIGHT CLUB “film splices” sometime.

Susie sewing the Magen David on the Klan robe provided me with unutterable joy.

The maneuvering of the bus was ridiculous. Those turns were way too sharp.  It would have rolled.

I know it’s silly to nitpick accuracy in movies like this, but I do like the “How Real Is It?” series. I love hearing a professional’s opinion on movie scenes. I really love it when the less critically movies get accuracy down a lot better than the critically acclaimed. 

Agree. First thing that came to mind:

You know, if that fight scene took place on a Glaswegian bus, you can guarantee some wee Senga or wee granny would have stormed up to Mr Laser-fist and gi’en him lalldy.  

Best part of the episode was the little girl who played Coraline celebrating after the sketch.

The way a lot of people felt about Ted Lasso last year is how I felt about Joe Pera Talks With You since discovering it in 2019. Every damn day with our former president in office was a struggle to find some kind of peace and breathing space, and for 11 minutes once a week, Joe Pera could narrow my field of concern

This show needs as many as eyeballs as it can get. Sounds like it struck a chord with you, so by all means check out the rest of it! I stumbled onto Joe Pera a couple years ago and I dearly love this show.

Man I need to give this show a solid chance. Joe Pera’s...let’s say vibe didn’t appeal to me. I initially thought the appeal was “oh look at this shy super awkward person, how weird!!! Haha” which really didn’t make sense with Adult Swim’s content nowadays either.