Robert Zombie

We did get one of the Backstory! actors back the following week, so I could see him coming back as present day Ian’s dad maybe

Rorschach’s backstory was a change I actually liked, since if it was supposed to be the moment he snapped it seemed more realistic to brutally murder the guy versus sadistically leave him to die.

My head canon since they’ve said everyone was returned safely is that people in those scenarios rematerialized either at the closest place on land to where they were, back at the airport, or at their home.

There were some fairly disturbing allegations about him a couple years ago by his ex-wife which granted was during their custody battle and I suppose he could be innocent. But up until the show started, I’d kind of gotten the impression Disney figured they couldn’t rid of him based just on that, and would use it to

I saw this a little bit ago and thought it was pretty bad, but it was at least unintentionally funny. Though looking back, I’m starting to wonder how much of that was intentional and the satire went over my head. Like when the boyfriend is told the flat used to be owned by Epstein, he asks unironically “You mean that

Great comparison- I loved how darkly funny it was as it became clear that Logan wasn’t well, and everyone was going to freak out less about that than how it affects his decisions they were trying to interpret

Right? Definitely could’ve had some good stories from the past couple years, and seems like it can’t be that expensive to produce; other than weed becoming more legal maybe limiting them, I’d think they could have done a new bunch of episodes every so often whenever they had enough ideas

I’m pretty sure Susie was also shown to be sleeping with someone else at least once, so there does seem to be some kind of mutual but-probably-unstated understanding between the two. Or that might have been more her acting in response to Jeff’s obvious cheating and he’s none the wiser, which if so, can’t exactly blame

Unfortunately High Maintenance was canceled :(

I just watched season 1 this week to catch up and liked it more than I expected, but yeah, I’m under the impression you can skip to season 2 and be fine. Though I have seen some promotional images with both of them, so I’m assuming Kendrick (and maybe some other season 1 characters) appear occasionally as a bridge

They really did, I thought Nandor’s line about being vampire is a curse that he doesn’t want to pass on to Guillermo was a surprisingly deep way to keep their same dynamic.

I was waiting for a payoff to her saying they could go back in the sunlight, and thought that was hilariously dark 

I’d have to rewatch it to remember specifics, but I think they were maybe careful about having the “worst” of things he said to others be when the coaches weren’t around, so that their shared glances noticing his bad behavior were kind of an unspoken “wow, his ego is getting out of control...but I’m sure he’ll figure

Like, are they giving Trent Crimm his own spinoff? I feel like there wasn’t nearly enough information to understand why he would purposefully burn Nate, resign from his job, and go off in search of himself.

Sure, of course, we’ll have to see. I let the word “seemed” do too much heavy-lifting I guess because I’ve definitely been on the side of “they’re telling a story, let’s wait and see how it plays out” in terms of this season debatably moving slower than last. I can just see how not explicitly mentioning a storyline

One thing I like about streaming shows is their flexibility with runtimes since they don’t have to worry about commercials and such, so sometimes they avoid padding the episodes like networks might but on the other end it can feel a bit indulgent at times for sure.

I was worried for a second he was going to retreat and/or lash out again.

Berry should be in the new Blade as his character from What We Do in the Shadows 

Can’t really disagree about the pacing, but I did like this one since it was stylistically interesting, and past due for more of a spotlight on Beard. Knowing of course that this was an extra episode means it won’t move the plot forward, though I do think it gave a good amount of insight into him, showing his

I could see that too, that would be nice. It makes his exit less “ok, I don’t really believe you, but I’ll get to the bottom of this,” and more “that’s fine, you don’t have to tell me now if you don’t want.”