Robert Zombie

Yeah I didn’t notice that at first, and on the one hand think Ted hasn’t seemed like he’s at a point where he’s even interested in dating, but that is a fairly convincing bit of evidence

Good catch- I’m thinking it’s an homage at this point because I’ve seen a few You’ve Got Mail parallels pointed out with the Bantr storyline that people were guessing was foreshadowing Rebecca was chatting with Ted or maybe Rupert

I could see that, like the reporter thinks it makes for a better soundbite

I’ve liked Trent too, but a bit of a heel turn could be an interesting direction and would be a pay off the scene in the premiere of the other reporters teasing him by joining in saying “The Independent,” showing everyone might have been a little too comfortable to trust him, or just that he’ll betray that camaraderie

I like that potential direction for the Sam and Rebecca story :)

It is a bit weird now that you mention it, but I think it works ok enough as a way to show how deep Nate’s insecurities are. Wonder Kid is a reasonably cool sounding nickname that stuck because of the reporter’s pedantry, but Nate can’t help but think that he, and by extension everyone else, is making fun of him and

I really want to see BJ Novak as the version from the 90s cartoon

I could see it. I think that would mean Scorpion would be one of the members, judging by the Homecoming credits scene (and wishful thinking they bring back Michael Mando and give him a Scorpion suit).

Willem Dafoe and Jamie Foxx in their classic costumes would be great

Seeing Emma Stone back as a live-action Spider-Gwen would be really cool

Don’t quite agree re:Star-Lord, but Nebula definitely got a bit short changed in her arc and I would’ve like to see her try to get revenge on Thanos at some point 

I liked the theory before Thor Ragnarok came out that Hela would be a stand-in for Death, and even in the run up to IW when it became clear they weren’t going with that motivation, I kind of hoped they might split the difference with a twist invoking this plot, like Thanos has supposed noble plan here to help

This was a fun time for the monoculture Marvel had going; I was somewhat geekily cynical about it (knowing like Tom said that seeing Spidey and Black Panther get dusted basically guaranteed that it would get undone) but still pretty impressed by the end, especially in talking to people I volunteered with/worked

I’m definitely trusting the writers still and enjoying this season, but it does feel like an interesting approach just how many plots they seem to me to kind of have simmering at a deliberate pace to (hopefully) pay off by the end. Nate realizing what a jerk he’s been and Ted having a session with Dr. Fieldstone seem

I thought it’d be obvious, but I was really hoping Nate would come back in after a few seconds to wipe the spit off.

People being completely unfazed by Roy’s curmudgeonly ways is a solid running joke, and logically children make it even funnier

That would be interesting; I’d assume it’s pretty hard to turn off the side of yourself as a psychiatrist that’s analyzing people but I’m curious if there’s been much writing on the ethics of situations like this, and I guess if she had kept up the bare minimum social niceties while studying him it could be seen as

Yeah, I commented on the Sarah Niles’ interview that I’m pretty curious where this story is heading. Something about those shots of Ted reacting to her lack of a response felt almost ominous in a weird way; my guess is that there’s something about Ted’s approach that they’ll need to discuss and she’s trying to figure

Yeah, the first episode has me really curious where this story is going. The shots of Ted reacting to her lack of response felt... “ominous” sounds too strong lol, but my guess is that there’s something about Ted she doesn’t trust that they’ll have to address, or maybe that there’s something about his approach the

Sorry, should’ve been more clear. I wasn’t trying to say that moment is an example of Disney queerbaiting the audience- just that textually I realize it’s only Poe being a friend; he’s happy to see Finn’s safe and tells him to keep his jacket, that’s it. *But* you could infer some flirtation in the way Isaac plays it,