Robert Zombie

Larry couldn’t even “cheat” when he had his free pass the year of his 10th anniversary! 

I think she’s all about how other people see her and her marriage, so as long as it’s secret and doesn’t make her look bad, she turns a blind eye.

Arguably Jeff is a worse person than Larry. Say what you will about Larry, he seems loyal and wouldn’t cheat while in a relationship. I don’t think he ever has on the show (although the presumption that he was cheating did get him out of the relationship with Loretta).

Did he saying “corporations” or “cooperation”? It seems the latter makes more sense in context to the question.

I’m shocked we still haven’t heard anything about a Mace Windu survived and went into hiding” series.

The episode itself was a little ‘paint by numbers’ in that it was the Curb formula front and center with the specific controversies and disputes ‘brainstormed’ into an episode.  But the experience overall was worth it for the ‘Burger King’ ad lib.

Leon’s “I don’t think mice like that shit” during the feta cheese discussion cracked me up. JB Smoove just has great delivery.

To be fair, the new stuff was still mostly recycled old stuff.

I’m pleased to see a genre show with senior actors as leads. Not that anyone would guess Ming-Na Wen’s age just by looking at her. 

Not if you get all the gangsters together and just steal all the corporations’ money.

It’s really too bad how they don’t want to let any dead characters stay dead. Really ruins the stakes and finality of everything.

I’m looking forward to it, although part of me is bummed that it’s all back on Tatooine again. It’s a big Star Wars galaxy - stories don’t need to keep coming back to the same planets (to its credit, the Mandalorian mostly avoided that). 

As much as I was a Fett superfan as a kid I’m honestly more upset filming this pushed back Mandalorian season 3

Cheryl Hines is married to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a truly shitty junior if there ever was one.

Disney: We had some new Star Wars ideas, but y’all really hated those so we’re just gonna keep recycling old stuff.

“...when corporations can make us all rich.”

This episode was fine, but it just didn’t capture the same feeling that earlier Curb seasons did. The early seasons has that “improv” feel to it, whereas this seemed forced and acted. Leon’s girlfriend and the Dentist both seemed more like trained actors than real people, which takes away the cringe factor that you

There were photos earlier this year of Larry having lunch with Timothee Chalamet - so I hope that means we get a guest role at some point of him being offered the role of Young Larry. That would be so PERFECT. 

The ending was like the best Curb and Seinfeld endings where multiple plot points all come together in the end for a great payoff. It had the toilet seat, abortion, Greek music and earplugs all coming together hilariously. If only they could’ve found a way for Angel Muffin to run in dragging one of Larry’s towels, it

This week’s theme was lying. Larry, who lies a lot, calls out other people for their supposed dishonesty, even when in fact they’re telling the truth. A pathological liar ( like the father of the man whose name Larry hates so much) will always distrust others and be paranoid.