Robert Zombie

I appreciate that, but word on the street is that if I’m not absolutely in love with it I am obligated to be fervently against it, so from this point forward it’s As and Fs, no inbetween. (Seriously, thank you for saying that, it’s very appreciated and a sign I’m doing what I set out to do.)

I think you’re addressing a few tensions. One is the show’s transition into essentially a workplace comedy set in a sports team, rather than necessarily being a sports show in and of itself. It’s not a dramatic change, but it’s a clear one, and something the show is obviously calibrating as it goes. The second is this

Hi Myles, just want to say I completely agree with you. The words concerningly” and “worrisome” are spot on. Sure this episode was enjoyable at face value, but the complete lack of reference to the Dubai Air fiasco was a bit of a shock to me. I really do hope they come back to this at some point. Otherwise it appears

Just jumping in to say that while I don't necessarily agree with all your concerns and criticisms, I sure do like reading them and thinking them through. Thanks for the consistently thoughtful reviews. 

It seems like this season is setting Ted up to be a sort of unwitting antagonist.

I’m a little offended by your suggestion I wouldn’t be familiar with these rom com references, both because I am not a philistine and because I literally mention When Harry Met Sally in the same paragraph.

Now playing

Bearing in mind they’ve picked unusually well spoken people too, because it’s a US TV show designed for non-Brits.

Nah, I didn’t find this a bad episode at all.  Funny and sweet and clever as hell.  True that it didn’t continue directly with the protest thing, but..  They’ll probably get to it soonish.  They’ve got their three full season order, I think, which is what the show runners planned.  I think they’ll stick the landing. 

“Fuck you’re amazing, let’s invade France”

I know there’s too many comments already at this point, but I don’t see anyone talking about the double gut punch that was Vision’s death. I mean, holy fuck. Wanda has to kill the man she loves, only to have Thanos undo it and kill him in front her her, completely negating the horrible thing she just had to do.


To be fair, most of the consequences that really stick come out of Endgame, not IW—it’s only in Endgame that you learn the heroes don’t just find a way to undo the events of IW through time travel, and so there is this real period of time where the people who were snapped out of existence are just gone. It’s in

I have always appreciated how much this movie commits to the heroes losing. And not merely losing, they lose in a way that turns the standard MCU formula on its head, in that there are multiple threads about characters going through all kinds of development and making the hard choices, the things that are normally

I don’t agree - we know who Quill is, and if he had developed any emotional stability between movies it was because of the influence that his relationship with Gamora had on him. Finding out a) that the woman you so deeply love that not only did she convince you to kill her rather than let her father kidnap her

This is an incredibly watchable film. I am frequently guilty of sitting on the couch, putting on a movie, and then opening up my laptop and phone and paying much, much more attention to those.

This is why the MCU hasn’t introduced Squirrel Girl. Having a character who can take down Thanos off screen while the opening logo is showing would have ruined the build-up.

Does this also apply to the LotR films? Could you watch The Two Towers in isolation?

I thought the original Avengers (2012) was the peak of Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was... until Infinity War (2018) blew it away.

This is definitely the best movie theater experience I've ever had. Saw it at midnight at a small theater filled with other comic nerds. People cheered when the Iron Spider suit's legs came out. It was dead silent after the snap. Such a cool pop culture moment to see a decade of movies come to (the first part of) a

To answer your direct question: I wrote this review after watching the first episode of the season, yes.