Robert Zombie

can’t wait for more on Friday :)

Oh hi, are you from the alternate dimension where shitty movies don’t make lots of money? Wow, it must be so weird for you here on our planet.

yeah, the more i thought about it, the more i wondered if this could be the beginning of her therapist approach to figuring him out, already; i could see that being a sort of text or experiment just to see what happens or how he reacts. i hated that when a therapist did something similar to me (so maybe that’s also

I’ve stayed away from this show, because of how people online talk about it. I thought, “No show could be that cheesy, be good, and still works.” I watched the trailers. I was so convinced that I wouldn’t buy into its charms, because what I saw didn’t work for me at all.

The President also seems to be learning from Rick to match his abilities: notice how he was able to plan counter-actions for all of Rick’s initial turkey-heist plans, and the fact that his troops had developed an anti-portal force field that they deployed around his house. The President is coming at Rick like Obadiah

I wanna Playstation 5 is such an easy gag but it's still funny.  I concur.

I get that they’re setting up Dr. Fieldstone to be a bit of an antagonist to Ted (for all the eloquent reasons Myles said). But I thought she came across as too much of an asshole to Ted here. Specifially the “I’m twice as good a therapist as you are a coach” line (paraphrasing) and then not acknowledging him at all

Really good use of your time on this comment section then

Wasn’t the joke about how the bartender realized that he was actually racist after seeing a African-American-turkey hybrid?

The president has super-spy style resources and numbers on his side. Rick’s always going to win, but President Curtis always makes it fun to watch.

The President’s life flashing before his eyes as a series of Playstation launch announcements was pretty funny.

I think you might be romanticizing the other seasons of Rick and Morty a bit. Sometimes Rick and Morty is crazy with a point, and sometimes it’s just crazy. (I’ve noticed it’s often when President Curtis gets involved.) Where was the deeper, underlying meaning in Lawnmower Dog, or Get Schwifty? The show likes to

No mention of the turkey president tearing out his wishbone and wishing to explode? thats the most I’ve laughed at a rick and morty joke in years. As for the episode itself I thought it was fine, not every episode needs to be high concept some can just be riffing on a couple different movies. it felt like the sperm

I guess I’m enjoying this season because it feels a lot like everyone is getting used to Rick’s crap and now he’s facing a lot of the comeuppance, and some like the President have escalated it to this ridiculous turkey counter measure.
Ever since the first episode of this year, it just seems like Rick has been put

She better have some scenes with Rebecca

Thank you for the well written review. I have a suggestion for future installments: I remember when Ms. Vanderwerff wrote the excellent Deadwood reviews, she included a quotes from the episode section with each review because the dialogue in that show is so good (the best ever, to me). I think Ted Lasso has so many

hope Dr. Fieldstone starts to fit in a little bit more as the season goes on, though... in the middle of the first episode, and she just seems kind of needlessly rude?

I see both sides of this, and I’m a little more on Mackie’s side right now.

I mean, it’s definitely a bit irrational, but I definitely went through a period of feeling like straight characters almost didn’t exist once fandom became involved. That stopped bothering me eventually, partly because I realized I was pretty gay myself, but I can imagine where he might be coming from.