Robert Zombie

I think Bob Saget should narrate the show as future Hillary Duff.

Will no one find a good vehicle for the delightful Jane Levy?

The coolest thing about this show is that Mary Steenbergen, who played the mom, actually did experience what happened to Zoey to a certain extent! Obviously she didn't become telepathic, but she did start hearing everything as musical after an operation. 

Underrated fashion joke here. Please leave a star on your way out

So... I know this is a comic book movie etc etc...

This isn’t so much a teaser as getting ahead of costume leaks that were happening. You’re very free to still not think about it until 2 years from now or whatever. 

My hot-take on what a real stretch for Marvel would be: a version of Marvels. Just a story from the perspective of a regular person who lives in the MCU and has to life an ordinary life with all the superheroics happening well in the background, who never gets involved in any of the world-saving plots and who only

Love that movie. 

Agreed, and this is why I enjoyed the Ant-Man movies a lot.

“One risk Marvel could take is with its name. Marvel’s known for movies based on its expansive roster of characters. But what if they started using all that talent they’ve cultivated over the last decade and a half and let the filmmakers make something else?”

I’m totally down with genre films set in the MCU. Sony would have the rights, but why not a Multiple Man detective story? Or a high school comedy with Jubilee. I thought New Mutants was pretty good, but I definitely liked that it wasn’t trying to be a traditional comic book movie. They should have leaned harder into

Yeah, as the saying goes: That’s not even subtext; that’s just...text.

Yeah, Falcon’s end speech of “Hey guys you need to do better” was simultaneously heavy-handed and underwhelming. Its main ideology is “Anarchic terrorism is bad but so is heartless government.” I guess you could argue that Falcon’s pressing of the global refugee council to make room for refugees it doesn’t think it

—They already have “antagonized the audience” in the D+ shows: WandaVision with Fake Pietro, and FalconSoldier with realistic American racial problems.

The “next big test” challenge isn’t something the studio announces, though; it’s something projected onto them by outside parties.

I think this phase of Marvel has been very gradually expanding to other themes and genres in a way that has kept the franchise feeling interesting (at least to me). WandaVision was a mystery about grief, Falcon & The Winter Soldier discussed race far more explicitly than anything else the MCU has done (including Black

would love to see a ‘marvels’ limited series from phil sheldon’s ground-level perspective. easy way for them to have their cake and eat it too.

Maybe the next “big test” could be a Defenders or SHIELD followup.

Nuts to that! Swift should always play felines!