Robert Zombie

The animation on Robot Chicken never clicked with me. They rely on certain stock gestures and poses that always broke my immersion.

I don’t think that Marvel, owned by Disney, is ready to let their anyone give their IP the same treatment that DC did for Harley Quinn. The think that MCU skews quite a bit younger than the darker DCEU, so they’ll happily cede the truly adult stuff while counting the $22bil+ their movies have made so far...

...and before that it was Twisted Mego Theater

I like the animation, I am always a fan of a new animation style to break up the monotony that animated series can fall into when they’re trying to mimic the last popular thing, but watching this all I could think of was the variety of elaborate “science” fights that Rick & Morty has done to much more creative effect.

I spent the whole time waiting for Dr. Mrs. The Monarch to come in and stop the fight.

I enjoyed the clip, it was fun, but I don’t really know what the show’s deal is beyond that one fight. Nothing about it screamed bad to me, so Imma give it a shot.

Please leave your papers on my desk as you wander off to your unexamined lives of gravity bongs, ceaseless tweets, and date rapery. 

The animation is fun, but I was expecting more bite in the humor, like Rick & Morty or Harley Quinn.  It’s much more a family sitcom and fairly tame.

Not sure this is completely for me, but I did appreciate the “Every religion is wrong!” gag.

I can’t watch this clip at work, but the few previous bits I have seen were not good, and I am a big fan of Patton, want more silly comic stuff, and though not quite a MODOK superfan I have always loved the idea/design and the few appearances I have seen. I will give it at least a whole episode, but I assumed this was

Reminded me of the Rick vs. Toxic Rick fight in Rick and Morty. But yeah, this is something I’m very much looking forward

Ignoring the clip, so it has been a year and celebrities STILL haven’t gotten decent microphones? How is this a thing?

Wait, there’s a “Scientist Supreme?”

That’s great that Jon Hamm is Tony Stark because his old pal John Slattery played Howard back in the Marvel films. I’m sure if Howard ever cameos in a flashback or something, he’ll remind Tony that he’s still young and virile and strangers would definitely mistake them for brothers instead of a father/son.

MODOK is a top 5 favorite Marvel character for me. Patton Oswalt is perfect casting. I always say that I want more silly light-hearted superhero stuff. I should be squarely in the target audience for this.


Nathan Fillion is finally getting to actually play Wonder Man.

104. A very fine run. You deserve a rest.

Ms. Cleary really did some unique work for the age range she was writing for. Any kid that didn’t get at least two of her books read was really missing out.

Or if he was in charge of the DCEU instead of the hack.