Robert Zombie

Check out the big brain on TheRealBigMcLargeHuge.

This man is mentally ill. That’s not a dis, it’s the truth. He’s had bipolar disorder since he started having blackouts at 5 years of age, and he believes that because his mother never medicated him for it, that’s what makes him so great today. He calls it his superpower. If this was a regular person saying these

So a reference to the carpet looking like The Shining without also noting that Scare Bear (who was in the show before) is a pretty obvious riff on the bear costume blow job guy IN THE SHINING. Plus the motif revolving around being snowed in. I mean, I don’t even.

Yeah, that actually elicited a bigger laugh out of me than I expected. Also, I was kinda touched by how gentle her faux consoling was because I think early series Louise would’ve been really mean about it.

How can there not be a better score for Bob nonchalantly lying about having a mistress which Linda is okay with and Bob then brings it up again by claiming he got a mistress because Linda was having PMS?

Yeah. I don’t usually complain about AV Club articles, but I feel like someone hit publish way too early on an incredibly rough draft.

Why this review though? You got the B-plot wrong... the rat was obviously alive and they had to take care of it. No mention of any of the guest voices? No mention of ANY OF THE MUSICAL NUMBERS? Some great callbacks too, like Boo Boo showing up at the end and Louise going crazy. The animation was fantastic in some of

I’m also getting a little tired of Tina’s “budding sexuality” episodes. Plus too much of a good thing can be bad; i.e., singing.

Favorite joke of the night: Louise consoling her “insane” dad. “Flip your burgers.”

“You’re a thirsty bitch!”

The last couple of seasons I was getting a little tired of the “Tina is boy crazy” thing. They had been leaning on that pretty hard to the point where she was getting kinda cringy (that life guard episode comes to mind). I’m hoping they got it all out of their systems with this episode

I think that not getting Zack Galifianakis to do his Southern sissy thing in imitation of Lindsey Graham was a huge missed opportunity.

You know, I didn’t get very far in it. I liked fine, but I really wished they’d leaned more into the gothic tone a bit more. But I did enjoy the handful of references I caught. 

Poor guy! If he didn’t have to go save the world every five minutes or so, how long d’you think it’d take him to get caught up on everything he missed as a Capsicle?

Archer is a treasure trove of references that reward nerds—as was my childhood love A Series of Unfortunate Events, but that’s a whole other story—but my favorite was probably Sterling overhearing someone on a radio, asking, “What’s the frequency,” to which he replies, “Kenneth?” I’m pretty sure there’s also a

In the first Thor movie, Jane throws him a shirt that has an old nametag for “Donald Blake, M.D” on it, saying it was from an ex-boyfriend. In the comics, Donald Blake was Thor’s secret identity on Earth back when they thought he needed to have one.

This article fails for not having Captain America’s flying monkeys moment from “The Avengers” as its header image.

In the second episode of Daredevil Season 1, Claire tries to figure out what to call Matt and she sarcastically suggests calling him “Mike”.

Poor Captain America feels so lost.

Everything in the venture bros.