Robert Zombie

I’m in. I was in anyway, but now I’m double in.

A super hero to truly represent millennials. 

With all that getting back up again, They should have used Chumbawamba’s 90's song Tubthumper” for the trailer.

I’ve been waiting so long to see Brie Larson punch an old lady

The writing has been on the wall for Kim since the the first Viktor / Giselle episode.  Jimmy was/is going to ruin her, it’s only the details that remain a mystery.  and I’m with you - I feel bed for her.  Rhea and Kim are awesome.

I want a Rhea Seehorn Reacts to Things series next. The way she’s able to convey such complex emotions flitting across her face is astounding. That hurt look when the lawyer called Jimmy a scumbag, then it instantly turning to icy resolve. 

Then again, doing it to Hector undercuts the wickedness a fair bit, since Hector fully deserves that and more.

I think the supplies might be for making protest signs, calling the case a civil rights/racism issue. She could make signs and get people to protest outside the courthouse to pressure the DA into dropping the charges

Another great reaction shot is Kim’s expression with the prosecutor calls Jimmy a scum bag.

I’m dreading what will happen to Kim. I think this season has been subtly setting up something dire for her a lot sooner than we’d all think/hope. I hope never because Kim is wonderful. But man I can already feel the future punch in the gut.

Could the spilled cup be a clue? Salamanca has got to be in there somewhere... Gus rewinds the video. Where is he? Where is Hector? There’s something in his eyes...Yes! The ataxic old man is leering at the bent over nurse. There he is. Eight months. Gus has been a patient man. A smile creeps across his face...

Yeah, he really should’ve found someone else. He’s letting his sliminess ooze over into that side of his life, and while it’s *technically* alright to ask Kim for help, he’s basically gone up to her and said ‘I’m a scumbag!’ The fact that he didn’t even acknowledge her when she asked if he was selling drop phones on

Does it necessarily need to get her disbarred? It could just be a stunt that, while legal, gives her a reputation among the judges so that she never gets another PD assignment, thus cutting her off from her “release” from the corporate lawyering that’s eating her soul.

The office supplies make me think of the framed letter she got from a kid she helped. Maybe some sort of fake letter-writing campaign from imaginary children? Hmm...

Great episode. I am racking my brain trying to figure what Kim has in mind with those office supplies... Seehorn got two marvelous reaction sequences, one on the sofa in her office (processing Jimmy’s favor request which she knows may be a ticking time bomb) and the other in the car (complex emotions leading to

Okay. This week’s Kim Theory: She goes out on a limb helping Jimmy get Huell off, and SHE ends up getting disbarred. Just as Jimmy is getting his law license back. Kim is crushed by this series of events, and leaves Jimmy, never to return.

I think it really took someone saying it outloud and succinctly to get it to really sink in.

I can’t help but feel like this show’s crawlspace moment is coming.

‘The Big Rock Candy Mountain” is such a clever view of outlaw life.

Just when you thought Jimmy and Kim would end with a whimper . . .

When the DA describes Jimmy as a “scumbag disbarred lawyer who peddles drop phones to criminals,” Kim recoils at first. But as she leaves, and in all the following scenes, you can see in her face a realization: so gradually she hadn’t noticed it, it’s come to describe Jimmy to a tee. There’s no coming back from this.