Robert Zombie

Yeah but he also was in Annihilation. I don’t entirely know how he selects projects but he can get good ones sometimes.

He’s got that Star wars money tho. He's set for life

Oscar Isaac really needs to have a stern talk with his agent he has been in alot of forgettable crap lately.

Republicans have become America’s abusive husbands, blaming their spouses for making them lose their temper.

Yeah you guys really like to tow that line saying that "X behavior from Y people just gives Trump more votes" but just like most things you espouse, you have zero evidence to back that up.

I’m dying in a vat in the garage!

I think Trump should test that theory. Nothing would own the libs more than Trump nominating Obama for the Supreme Court. #MAGA

Went to the same tour and had the exact same experience. Weezer knows their place in our hearts.

Did you pick Scrappy-Doo as your avatar because of how universally he is hated?  By Scooby Doo fans and haters alike?  Good job.  

Straight dude just can’t figure out why a slur that demeans an entire group of people is a big deal these days

No one gives a shit about your ignorant opinion.

I mean, I get where you’re coming from, but at the same time... using a word that has a context and stigma attached to it, even being ignorant to that, doesn’t make it okay. You might as well say retard. Sometimes a generation needs to grow up with the times it exists in. 

I wanna make fun, but then i remember Roger Waters, Dave Gilmour ,Gun N Roses, slew of 70s/80s bands, ect.,  have pretty much done the same. Seems like only 2 options for great bands at some point: Quit, or become your own best cover band.

That’s the vibe I’ve gotten. They play “the hits”.

Yea. I had bought a ticket because I wanted to see the Pixies. And I kind of felt that the Pixies sleepwalked through the set. They just played their songs and that was it. Sounded alright. I thought it was odd they did Gigantic. The Breeders do it much better.

Rivers did a great solo acoustic cover of A-Ha’s Take on Me on tour this summer.

I’m confused: how does a GIF of Pee-Wee Herman looking uneasy equal “the comment I am replying to is absolutely, totally right”?

I’ve been to about 25 concerts this year. Somehow Weezer might have been the best concert. I haven’t bought a Weezer album since Maladroit. They did 6 songs from the Blue Album. The band sounded great. Rivers was doing gimmick after gimmick. They were having fun. The crowd was having fun. It was almost like seein

The problem with Weezers Toto Cover, is not that its a bad cover, its that we know they are capable of so much more, that it feels like they are soullessly replaying Africa, its a near identical remake. With no feeling, just rudimentary. Same thing with this Blink cover, they could add something, make some change, but