Robert Zombie

Remember ‘Drive’? Anyone?

I have zero interest in watching this show, but it justifies its continued existence purely as a Tim Minear paycheque as recompense for all of his shows that were cancelled too soon.

I am very worried about the Taystee/Cindy situation. They’re two of my favorite characters, played by two of the best actresses. Now that Janae, Poussey, and Alison are all gone (whether dead or elsewhere), that whole group of friends seems to be inevitably extinct in its entirety by season’s end. Which is

Ugh, I didn’t even see the Dad Joke part of it, that’s simultaneously better and much much worse.

I’m on Fire works way better as a karoke song for the mood they were trying to set having Caputo sing Dancing in the Dark would have been ridiculous.

Wanted to reply to both comments about the book but I guess I’ll start with this one. No, Piper isn’t a lesbian but she is bisexual. She did have a relationship with “Alex”(whose real name isn’t Alex) however & that was how she ended up in prison. Only by that time she really was engaged to Larry IRL and Alex wasn’t in

I keep being amazed how many people here don’t seem to realize how Netflix shows are covered.

They work for Deadpool, but he’s supposed to be cartoonish.

The white spots for the eyes don’t work. They only really work for Spider-man & Venom when translated to live action. Maybe it the gis (is that the plural of gi?) were brightly colored or even the green of the Iron Fist costume sans low V cut, it might not stand out so bad. The coolest thing about the first season was

There’s a weird moment going on right now where people think they have the right to know where a celebrity stands on every issue just because they’re famous, I guess.

I kind of respect either side of that... it’s at least more self aware than most folks who spout whatever they think at any given time.

Chris Pratt really seems like he “stays out of politics” because he knows he’s got fans on both sides and doesn’t want to mess up his charming goofball schtick by taking a stand for anything. Either he’s a secret liberal who just happens to love Jesus and guns and doesn’t want to piss off the “wow a white christian

That clip hit me right in the squeedlyspooch.

First Samurai Jack, and now this. It’s a great time to be a nostalgic geek.

[buys Hot Topic stock]

*begins customary 6 month singing of The Doom Song*

IIRC Jesse was the one who knew about a shady lawyer, so maybe he was helped out of a jam by Jimmy/Saul.

I don’t want to be unkind, but in 2008 Aaron Paul had a full head of hair. In 2018 he’s a bald bro. There’s no way to make him look younger. 

I like your ideas about other ways the mom could have found out. I don’t have a problem with her finding out in a way that doesn’t feel contrived. For me the last 1/3 of the season felt so rushed and many of the characters were behaving uncharacteristicly to get to the conclusion.

I don’t see how a Walt or Jesse cameo could come off as anything but really tacky fan service. I mean, maybe—maybe?—Jesse crossed paths with Nacho at some point. But.. why? What do we get out of that? I much prefer the idea that Jesse’s closest link to the drug cartel underbelly of the ABQ would never have gotten

I still basically lose sleep that Michael McKean didn’t get nominated for an Emmy (that he should’ve won).