Robert Zombie

The main crux of their argument seemed to be “if black people can say it, they have no right to be offended by me saying it” and “if it’s not said with hateful intent then no one should have a problem with it”. Both equally dumb arguments.

Oh nice some the 2% of Reddit I like. Meanwhile on the main Music subreddit they’re was a thread about saying the n-word at concerts, I said “I just make it a policy as a white person to not say that word” and got over 30 downvotes and dozens of replies about how I was a triggered SJW leftist cuck, and how black

Eh, I don’t know that I’d want him to get a live action role so soon? I like the idea of Sony building a stable of films around him traversing the multiverse—it’s more interesting than what he’d be doing in a live action role. I don’t know that this is what they’re doing with him, mind you, but...Spider Verse, the

I came late to THE MIDDLE. Very late. “I only started watching it a few weeks ago, when the first 7 seasons popped up on Amazon Prime over here”-late. (Currently in season 4) But I love it! And it’s crazy how many time I laugh my ass off, simply because stuff in there resembles my family WAY too much. From small

I’m kinda OK with this but deep down in my heart Bruce Campbell is the Mysterio that got away. I would have loved to see him chewing scenery in the fish bowl.

I liked the Ultimate version of Kraven, where he was a reality-show “great hunter” and came to NYC to film himself beating Spidey.

So my only takeaway from this is that Keaton is coming back, which I hadn’t realized. That is good news.

Finally! I thought that if they had done an Amazing Spider Man 3, Mysterio could’ve been the villain. You could’ve had Peter coping with Gwen’s death while Mysterio pops up. And since he’s a special effects guy for movies, you could’ve introduced Mary Jane. Have the story be about Peter’s opportunity to move on with

They should have MJ or Liz take the lead in this film and call it Spider-Man: Sadie Hawkins.

Also Kraven.

Or Scorpion, who was in Homecoming, albeit briefly.


But he’s already got a movie coming out next year!

Miles Morales. ;)

The pile of dust will narrate it in flashback.

Mysterio might be the most major Spider-Man villain not to have been in any of the films yet, so I thought there was a fair chance he’d be in this.

Wasn’t Gyllenhaal supposedly going to replace Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man when it was thought Tobey’s back was too jacked up? Well, he finally gets to be in a Spidey movie after all.

If there’s no fishbowl on his head then the entire movie will not be worth it.

I wish Johnny “Looks Like Deuces Are Wild, Peralta” Franzia had been the arch nemesis.

The expression on Rosa’s face is priceless.