That’s exactly what makes it so ridiculous. The whole point of “Make America Great Again” is that it fetishizes a time that was worse for everyone other than white men — this quote doesn’t even work alongside that ideologically.
That’s exactly what makes it so ridiculous. The whole point of “Make America Great Again” is that it fetishizes a time that was worse for everyone other than white men — this quote doesn’t even work alongside that ideologically.
Yeah that’s pretty fucking on-the-nose. Can’t believe anybody thought that would be a good idea.
Reading this made me sad until I got to the line “Make America Burn Again.” Now I’m just laughing.
By contrast, this looks pretty good:
I’m assuming the Infinity Stones will end up being destroyed, just so the next phase isn’t stuck at max power-level a la Dragonball.
It’d be kind of cool to have a Guardians movie that’s just Rocket, Nebula, Howard the Duck and Cosmo the Soviet Spacedog. Maybe have them team-up with the Guardians 3000 (minus Yondu).
This allows them to sidestep the awkward situation where this event affects the team, but in no way can be fixed by them.
Safe, but incredibly dumb idea.
While it might have been nice to have this right before Avengers 4 and explore how this world would deal with the situation I can kind of understand why it might be easier to do it this way (especially when they only have 13 episodes this time). At the very least I’d hope for some flashbacks or something to kind of…
I use LOST as a reference point for entirely different reasons: the structure of the episode itself. The most obvious example is OINTB, but now I’ve been using LOST (in Space).
They could always go the Wayward Pines route and ditch the mystery entirely 4 episodes in by having a teacher just plainly explain everything to the kids. Man that show sucked ass.
Extremely high probability of it sucking, and almost zero chance of lasting long enough for the “mystery” to be solved. Chances are, the people who made the show pitched the idea and don’t even know themselves what’s supposed to happen.
I can’t wait for this to piss off Trump supporters and KKk members. But i repeat myself.
Or being good but getting canceled in 8 episodes. like 90% of these shows.
Remember, the plane in Manifest took off five years ago, back when everyone was trying to create a Lost clone.
Ditto. Only Manifest (actual title: Lost Time) sounds at all interesting, because of the inherent mystery element, and even then, I naturally assume it has a high probability of sucking.
When asked for comment, Captain Holt reportedly said, “Screw that. Get some. Get some. Get some.”
Aw man...I wanted to see what happened on Last Man on Earth.
Way to go out on a cliffhanger.
Welp, let’s see, Fox now has Bob’s Burgers and... that’s it.
Damn it. After the LMoE cliffhanger, I wanted to see where it was going. I now have to assume they were all killed by the bunker people.