A) We saw what Barry had given her to work with beforehand, and she was furious about that. Sally would have wanted ANYTHING but that.
A) We saw what Barry had given her to work with beforehand, and she was furious about that. Sally would have wanted ANYTHING but that.
I don’t recall who said it last week, but after seeing this episode, it bears repeating: every episode never feels like just 30 minutes long. That’s a huge compliment.
Certainly sounds that way.
It’s actually the opposite of the point. Just because something is about your ignorance, that doesn’t mean it’s about YOU.
Too far.
Yes, Poe was so complex in TFA. He’s a good pilot, and... uh.... well... he smiles a lot. Complex!
I tripped on Al being in ROTC. I bet that wasn’t his choice.
Last Jedi ruled. Force Awakens was a far worse movie. You change MY mind.
The very worst thing about the internet is that it can make a few stupid, loud, people seem like a “movement.”
Walk Hard is a good movie from beginning to end.
Right, it’s a little weird that the showrunners are so enthused about Pickle Rick’s speech that they don’t seem to realize that it’s 100% self-serving bullshit made by an egomaniac to justify not making any changes in the way he approaches the world.
Wish the article had the therapist’s rebuttal, because it is also very good, and shows that the show doesn’t just suck Rick’s nihilist dick all the time:
Wait, for some people, Rick’s monologue is the highlight? Jesus — Dr. Wong’s response, when she calmly slaps him down, is indisputably the best part of that scene. “OK GENIUS, YOU’RE SORT OF RIGHT, BUT YOU’RE STILL BROKEN, SO.” I just don’t see “Therapy turns you into a cow” as what we’re supposed to take away here.
You’ve disappointed me, nerds.
No Valerian love?
The credits to Scott Pilgrim are probably my favorite among more recent films:
Makes sense. A Scarlet Witch movie could be pretty interesting, but it would have a lot of work to do. A lot of her character seems to me like it comes from how she responds to the world’s abuses, which is certainly a topic that could be explored, but seems likely to result in a drastically different movie than other…
Scarlet Witch movie could be incredibly compelling. I wouldn’t even mind if they framed it as a love story. Marvel has experimented with a lot of genres, why not with romance? It could be something like Arrival that has a lot and the love story is kind of understated but still at the heart of it. Exploring Vision’s…