Robert Zombie

She thinks it’s training, like having to kneel at the front porch of a dojo for a week without eating.

I love that idea. Luke just stares at her for like 45 minutes. Then he finally takes the lightsaber. Then stares at it for another 45 minutes. Then throws it over his shoulder.

You’ve cracked it. Supreme Leader Snoke is actually Supreme Leader Felicity Smoak.

Rian Johnson really was put in a tough position. Yes, fans did overhype a lot of things but Disney also egged them on and stoked the hype.

People are just butthurt that all of their “theories” were wrong.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull wasn’t my favorite, but for a series that started with Nazis’ getting their faces melted by magic I’ll buy that maybe Indiana Jones found some aliens.

Same here. My personal hopes for the film were that Rey’s parents were nobody special and that Snoke was just Snoke and not some transformed pre-existing character. So this fanboy’s theories at least wound up true.

He did an excellent job, and ended up with the best film since the OT.

The prequels weren’t enough like Star Wars. TFA was too much like Star Wars. I mean, yeah, the prequels sucked, but Jesus Christ, Star Wars fans, make up your goddamn minds. Rian Johnson made a point of taking all the warmed over OT story beats and throwing them in the trash, where they belong.

I’d forgotten to even wonder who her parents were by the time they brought it up again. Over two years I couldn’t think of any “shocking reveal” possibilities for her parentage which could stack up to “probably a couple of randos we’ll never see again”

Know who my parents are? IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER.
Amazed how many people are simply DEMANDING a continuation of the tired “special parents = special kids” storytelling crutch. Rey’s parents being nobody special is one of my favorite parts of the film.

I have mixed feelings about ‘Last Jedi’. I enjoyed TFA more, but this one still ranks higher than the original trilogy, in my book.

Say what you will about The Last Jedi, but Rian Johnson is a class act. I met him in 2010 at a small event in NYC. We chatted for a while and I had no idea who he was— he made absolutely no effort to play himself up. The way he spoke, I assumed all he had ever made were student films, when at that point he had

Oh man I’m with you---and the worst part is I totally get why everyone hated it, but I’m such a 12-year-old at heart that the overwhelming joy of seeing Indy again pretty much over-powered the annoyance of the monkeys and CGI and what not.  I definitely don’t argue with people about it though (although I will swear to

I hated this movie. But I’m not going to sign some silly petition, and I’m not going to make some silly YouTube video hating on it. I’ve loved this saga since I was 6, and this one just didn’t do it for me. But by all means, go see it. Everybody’s mileage varies. See how easy that is?

Well said. I mostly loved this, but hated a bit or two, but man trying to explain that to people and they just go crazy. I saw the original Star Wars in the theater 12 times (I was 8—talk about target audience) and have seen every one of them since in a theater at least once, and several of them multiple times. There

Re: Leia’s use of the Force. Also just the bare fact that Star Wars is much more Space Fantasy than it is Sci-Fi. But really, if you can suspend disbelief for everything else in the movie, that one scene should be a cakewalk to handle.

I liked that this movie introduced new force powers that weren’t like: But what if they could lift BIGGER stuff!

Took me a second, but I’m an acronym whiz kid, and so I think it’s Law Enforcement Officers.

Always nice to get some bi representation on tv.