Robert Zombie

At least he didn’t turn out to be a rapist or racist, as I assumed from the headline. Nothing gold can stay

I cant keep up with these Marvel projects anymore...

I was a little stunned by how good Three Billboards was. I really wasn’t expecting it to be that good. McDormand is a gimme for Best Actress, but watch out for Sam Rockwell in Best Supporting.

Obviously I’m not Allison Shoemaker, but I have to say: It’s okay to accept someone’s offer of help. It’s okay to ask for what you need. You’re not stupid or annoying. I’m sorry you’re feeling bad, and I hope things get better.

First of all, Allison, your offer to listen and your review are just very compassionate and generous and I applaud you for that.

Stunning (but yes, flawed). Did anybody feel weirdly relieved at the end? “I need help” and I saw to myself, “Finally she’s admitting it!”

I honestly think The Rock would have made an interesting Lex Luthor, the idea being that Luthor is the Self-Made Superman. Kind of like how he was portrayed in All-Star Superman.

I never thought about this either but maybe something like that Alex Ross comic, Marvels.

I don’t really care to see him try and make one either. I’d be curious what his take on the genre(s) would be but he’d never have the freedom to be Fincher making Star Wars or a Marvel IP.

Dissent, but obviously subjective. Part of what made Frank work for me in DDS2 was certainly the contrast between Frank and Matt and the rapport between Frank and Karen. It also made it easier that Frank was not the star and often the antagonist. It’s possible that Punisher will be a bad show, no question, but I’m

I think it depends on how he’s portrayed. I couldn’t even finish Daredevil season 2, so I can’t comment on the current take, but as a character he gives us an opportunity to discuss the merits of such behavior. That seems useful. Personally I’ve never viewed the Punisher as a good guy.

It really depends on the series. I loved the Punisher parts of Daredevil Season 2, and I’ll be watching this show. It won’t be for everyone, and it’s possible I’ll hate it, but if it’s good, it’ll be good right now.

I still can’t believe the AVClub review called it ‘heavy-handed.’ It’s barely satire - believe you me every goddamn casino owner on the strip spent most of the day locked in meeting rooms with their partners, accountants, PR flunkies, and lawyers trying to predict what this was going to do to the tourism trade and how

But he DOES have powers! A bunch of guns which have the power to turn an insecure paranoiac into The Bringer of Death! And the wonderful thing is, unlike Green Lantern’s ring, or Thor’s hammer, EVERYONE can have these powers, even if they’re the most unworthy person in the country. They just have to go to a gun show

Thoughts & Prayers

It’s good that they do this, especially with gun-loving far-and-alt-right types being big fans of the character. I hope the series at least emphasizes that Frank Castle is not really a good guy even if he only goes after criminals. I’ve been waiting for the MCU to fully commit to that with Iron Man, but the character

Not too late to rebrand him as the Pun-isher. Captures villains, forces them to listen to jokes that even Spider-man rejected.

Hey they could have used this opportunity to promote the Runaways show.

I don’t buy that that’s really Kai’s backstory - that line “I know you tell everyone a different story, I want the real one” and the cheesy, goofy way the flashbacks are staged make me think this is all a part of the regular routine.

Red Dead is one of my favorite games of all time, hands down. The open world, the random events, the hunting, all of it came together in a seamless, beautiful way. I couldn’t tell you how excited I was for a sequel about 2 weeks ago.