Robert Zombie

Huh Cannavale’s kind of an inspired choice. Would probably be a different take than we’ve seen before but he could probably pull off a good charming villain role. Hoffman of course would’ve nailed it, good call.

This might sound like an odd choice, but I’ve thought Dwayne Johnson could play an interesting version of the Clancy Brown’s animated series Luthor, especially if they go for more of a genuinely charming businessman who can turn on a dime to be threatening.

Lately it’s been “Early” from RTJ2 but El-P’s verse on “Talk to Me” is an all time favorite with the line “You think Baby Jesus killed Hitler just so I’d whisper?”

Well said, I’m generally easy to please but I’ve thought there was some really well-done stuff in this game overshadowed by the less good choices it was mixed in with that you described better than I could. Funny enough that I rolled my eyes during this and Arkham Origins when it became clear the Joker would be the

Ant-Man would probably be excited to get to work with Spider-Man. Now I’m really hoping they team the two of them up at some point

I watched “Her” for the first time recently for a philosophy class and really liked it. Some of the plot was what I expected which was part of why I didn’t feel an urgency to watch it, but it was well acted and then the ending was pretty interesting to me.

I dont know if I noticed that specifically but I was thinking after he had talked about putting curse on it or something earlier that the fact that it was glowing and rotating in mid-air to Thanos seemed significant

I saw someone else comment that, and it never occurred to me but I can hear how it sounds like him too

Huh I totally assumed the Hormone Monster was voiced by Will Arnett, I had thought all of Kroll’s other characters sound pretty clearly like him and didn’t give him much credit I guess

Yeah I was excited when I saw this headline then annoyed it didn’t actually come out when I was a kid and really into the series lol

I had such mixed emotions when the theme first played, like I love his version and it was hilariously fitting/on-the-nose but I also don’t know if that means I can hear the song in other contexts now without seeing the Hormone Monster lol

Dang that’s kind of a bummer...and I’m assuming this makes a Heroes for Hire show less likely and not more likely since they could have retooled Luke Cage season 3 into that, but if they don’t want to continue with either I’m not sure why they would

Oh I was way off lol, I couldn’t remember Doug’s name and thought that was who they were referring to when they brought up Jeremy and they’d get to meet him.

Yeah I liked this episode but I wondered if maybe they had a bunch of short crushes this episode and having Tina be aware of her boy-craziness to start backing off of those stories.

I also thought on the other it was to sort of to give new viewers a sense of the character with the movie coming up, though that’s a

How do you feel about the Netflix version of A Series of Unfortunate Events? I mostly like but I feel like the references through off the feel of the original, with them quoting James Brown and stuff. Though there was a pretty clever How I Met Your Mother reference at one point

That should be added to the list of shorts the MCU needs to do if they were still doing them, Cap actively trying to work on his list but getting interrupted for all kinds adventures until eventually he just has earbuds in to listen to albums and history podcasts while fighting crime

I liked it too though I realize that’s mainly for Krysten Ritter’s performance still; I wouldn’t say it was bad but the rest of the season, except for maybe Carrie-Ann Moss’s storyline, was nowhere near as interesting as season 1.

Honestly aside from some hints here and there that doesn’t come in until very close to the end. The season overall I don’t think was too bad but it definitely had some weird choices that dragged the overall narrative down and without as a clear of a single plot point to blame like season 1 had. I think the new villain

Lol true, if they do another season of The Defenders it’ll be her and maybe Frank Castle leading a superhero intervention

I wonder if they have a plan for how many seasons these shows are going to run because it’s interesting that (Spoilers for Luke Cage season 2) going into their third seasons Matt and Luke both seem to be going down a more villainous path.