Robert Zombie

I feel obligated to make the joke since it looks like no one else has: Teddy Perkins was actually the friends we made along the way.

No problem!

Oh now that would be interesting

Part of me really hopes that’s what happens lol

For fun, this is her gritty antihero reboot.

(But in case you’re actually wondering there’s 99.99% chance that’s one of the shapeshifting Skrulls she’s fighting)

Yeah I was thinking X-Men: Apocalypse would be good and he would be really good in it from everything he’d done up until then and now I know better lol

That was a good cover and at least when I saw them they also did a cool cover of The Turtle’s “Happy Together” with a chorus from Green Day’s “Welcome to Paradise” that they transitioned to from the similar guitar breakdown, plus a cover “Paranoid” during the encore.

Same here, I’d actually seen them before years ago and was more excited to see The Pixies but by the time Weezer started playing I was pleasantly surprised at how great they sounded and just how entertaining the show was. Say what you will about their new albums (and it helped that their new single was the only song

He doesn’t at least get retroactively moved above Louis CK? that not why we were mad at Man of Steel? Because Dean Cain wouldn’t have snapped Zod’s neck?

I like Tiny Rick’s song/cry for help


I really liked this episode but thought it was funny realizing that seeing Kim in the flashback opening immediately changed my excitement to dread at the thought that that meant this would be the (hopefully metaphorical) final nail in her coffin.

Ha yeah you’re probably right. I guess I’m optimistic that there are less people exactly like Crabbe and Goyle than one would think as they just seemed like dumb cartoon thugs, but yeah there’s probably plenty of people who’d give in to their worst bullying notions pretty easily. Hopefully not just for the color

That’s a pretty interesting point, I’ve joked before that the way the houses were inconsistently characterized there’s points when if the Sorting Hat placed you in Slytherin you should have been kicked out right then. You’re making me think now that it should be the smallest house by virtue of only actually sorting

That sounds great! It could definitely be an interesting way to make another inFamous since as much as I liked “Second Son” the moral choices in each sequel got lazier until the game literally told you to kill injured civilians to raise your evil karma for no reasons.

Well you have to save something for the sequels...

I agree except it shouldn’t be game over, you just go to a bonus level where you attend college classes while “Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head” plays.

I starred this for Kawehi alone, she’s so talented and fun. I think this is one of my favorite covers she does followed probably by “Don’t Dream It’s Over.”

I’m glad you mentioned it because this was the one that immediately came to mind for me. I was struck by how much more powerful and emotional I found it than the original when I first it heard (it also popped into my head because it’s the theme for “Big Mouth” which I just started watching - that being a crude comedy