Robert Zombie

There’s probably ways that could work, but I feel like that would really play into the argument of there being no stakes in these movies if that’s the case. Like, I’ve found it interesting that even though very few major characters have died in the MCU before IW, the collateral damage of the events before has had a

Well sure that’s true. Though I guess that’s another way to end the show too, like maybe the bulk of the season is them struggling in a timeline that gets erased but they have the memory of it still, so it’s a meaningless but happy ending. Eh, just a thought really of how they could tie it into the events of the

Yeah all the Russos would have to do is tell the SHIELD writers how long of a time skip there is so they could write a more compressed story if they need and then it would be cool to see them just helping during all of the chaos and meeting up with anyone cheap enough (Asgardians that were on the escape pod, random

Maybe that will be how they know something’s wrong, they’ll keep using “Lost” as a reference point but people have moved on and bring up idk “Wayward Pines” or something they passengers have never heard of
ETA oh duh “Black Mirror” is a better reference

I’ll do you one better: why the fuck are Arctic Monkeys?!

Saw it last night and yeah that was great, not what I was expecting but got a chuckle from me and some of the people that stayed. (Was hoping it would be the next title until I saw the headlines popping up speculating what it would be)

They’re just going to sneak in the 2nd part as a post credits scene? That would be great - “The Avengers will return... immediately”

Thanks! Yeah that was an album I could just listen all the way through over and over for a while

Foo Fighters’ self-titled and There is Nothing Left to Lose albums both start strong with “This is a Call”/”I’ll Stick Around”/”Big Me” and “Stacked Actors”/”Breakout”/”Learn to Fly”

Almost any three from Weezer’s blue album, but maybe “Buddy Holly”/”Undone (The Sweater Song)“/”Surf Wax America”

“Ball and

The opening tracks off of Courtney Barnett’s <b>Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometimes I Just Sit</b>, “Elevator Operator,” “Pedestrian at Best,” and “An Illustration of Loneliness (Sleepless in New York)“ are really solid and were definitely a cool way to get introduced to her.

True, but then again they probably used “mushroom” in at least one pun early on and wanted to work in “heirloom” instead. I could see Bob going with that reasoning even lol

I believe it was “Heirloom Where It Happens,” a play on “the room where it happens” lyric from Hamilton

I was actually mostly came to read the review because I was wondering that, I thought maybe the line in “Angel” was a reference to something older for a second

That was my guess just reading the headline, but then I figured why get someone famous to voice a character to just be subtitled? (Though it has happened like with Christopher Eccleston in Thor 2, so maybe)

That would be interesting, but they’re actually two different people, Seth Morris is her boss and Marc Evan Jackson plays Shawn

Yeah that’s a good point. And maybe I’m assuming he had more to do with the casting process than he actually did, but I did kind of figure if it was a big deal Kumail would have said something or not hired her, so there wasn’t much point in being offended on someone else’s behalf

lol well played

Oh interesting, I must’ve missed that

Yeah I questioned if she was part Pakistani after seeing The Big Sick and had assumed she is and was just playing half black/half white on Crazy Ex-GF until I looked it up after this episode, because it seemed like it could be awkward for her or Kumail especially doing the accent and everything

I came here to say the same thing, though I’m trying to remember if she ever really speaks highly of the movies - seems more like her mentioning she’s in them then Doug gives her shit trying to figure out what the titles mean lol