Robert Zombie

I watched Friday Night Lights and would not have guessed Taylor Kitsch was playing Koresh, I kept thinking he looked like a disguised Matthew Rhys from The Americans

Ha I forgot about this sketch...also, adding both Key and Peele to my list of people that’d crush me to hear news like this about

Idk, I usually don’t like to question how sincere people’s apologies are but if it all happened as her account said and it was just that easy for him to apologize like that I’m thinking it shows a lack of remorse and is definitely hypocritical.

That actually really confuses me about these situations - like Charlie Sheen being like his character on Two and a Half Men made sense because as offensive as it could be, it was a type of wish fulfillment. With sexual misconduct storylines in Louie and Master of None it seems like maybe they’re writing about people

*sigh* really don’t have a response to this yet but a string of disappointed obscenities

I was thinking it’s some had some episodes lately that have been better than expected. Their last few seasons have definitely hit the same point where The Simpson is for me where I watch the new episodes live if I remember and at best it’s funny enough in the moment, but I can’t recall what happened in it a day or two

Yeah I think I saw that as a prediction even after The Force Awakens and it seemed like they were going that direction in The Last Jedi but then steered away from it. I really liked this one but it does feel like somewhat of a missed opportunity. (Maybe there should Star Wars “What If?” comics like the old Marvel

We don’t know how long she was standing there. Maybe that scene was a full several hours of awkward silence later than TFA.

I don’t know, I can agree it might have been nice to learn a little bit more about Snoke and then still kill him here, but I think just because there was some misdirection with Rey’s background doesn’t mean she shouldn’t have been shown wondering about her parents; there’s still a lot of pathos in her being an orphan

darn, beat me to it and with a GIF even

law enforcement officer

Uncle Ben went around saying it to literally everyone he met in New York, confused a lot of people but some of them ended up with powers so it worked out.

Yeah. Or judging from the picture I assumed now that his name’s out there Trump casually just threw him in Guantanamo

Sorry, tried and failed to post a gif of Rocket laughing and apparently I can’t just delete this in shame

Do you know where to find that real Safelite commercial? I think that was the weirdest part of this whole thing for me, like using their actual name and jingle made it seem like too specific of a jab at Safelite if they weren’t parodying an actual creepy ad.

I figured it would be, or really hoped so at least from the trailers and Martin McDonagh’s other movies and only thought shortly before seeing it that I’d be letdown because it seemed like the ads gave too much away. But yeah, I was definitely blown away by some of the performances, Rockwell especially for how much

Just got back from seeing Justice League and it was a lot better than I braced myself for it to be. My immediate reaction is that it’s not my favorite superhero movie but it was pretty good - there was a questionable plot choice I’ll say and some things to be desired that I can’t quite put my finger on yet - but I

I’d somehow missed who Moore’s opponent was in the news I’d been following so I was really worried for a second to see “alleged not-sexual-predator Doug Jones” and thought the Hellboy and Pan’s Labyrinth actor was next for a scandal.

Yeah that’s a good explanation of him. I had thought he’d make a good Luthor because he kinda looks like he did in the animated series but mainly that he has an interesting range, like I could see him putting up a good charming-businessman front then quickly turning menacing. I suppose he’ll probably be a good Black

I can’t help but blame myself, I meant to catch up just like with Downward Dog and Selfie. I’m starting to think the networks don’t actually account for my intentions of eventually binging all the episodes of a new show.