Robert Zombie

I’ve heard of that one but never read it, I’ll have to check it out!

I’m inclined to agree except I’ve somehow only ever considered him a dream director for Batman and hadn’t even considered Marvel IPs for him, so now my hopes are up for him to work on...Moon Knight? Defenders season 2?

I think that’s actually supposed to be after the football postgame and the episode later is the Treehouse of Horror fyi

That’s an interesting comparison but it makes me think Frank may be portrayed too heroically in this - Tony Stark is arrogant and makes dangerous mistakes and while there’s aspects of that that may be more interesting to push further in the Avengers movies, he always gets to redeem himself and looked especially good

sad upvote lol. Makes me picture a Jon Bernthal delivering a Captain Planet-esque PSA, then giving a child a handgun and saying “The power is yours!”

Darn it, I came here to make this joke. I do wonder if that is at least partially why they’ve been so coy with the release date though; the other series were pretty graphic but with this being more realistic they have to know there’s a decent chance something in this one could really parallel current events whatever

Yeah on the one hand I think since it ended without an overt hint that Kai was making the story up that it may have been the truth, but I did get a Joker in “The Dark Knight” vibe that he makes up different tragic backstories for himself when he needs to and the audience may not learn the real one.

Are comments still allowed on this? I thought I saw some threads earlier that were all pretty civil and was hoping there’d be good discussions on here since the facebook comments are mostly ridiculous as usual, one guy even saying he’s a creep and should share a cell with Martin Shkreli which I have no idea where

I was excited when this was first announced and I’m still pretty sure it will be great given Rockstar’s track record, but there are very few prequels I can think of that live up to the originals. Though I suppose hoping they would have continued Jack Marston’s story is pretty unrealistic since that was at the start

Does anyone have the headphones or similar ones from that brand? I’m wondering if it will work for chatting on the PS4 and since Destiny 2's one of the few online games I play I don’t really want to spring for the more expensive (and usually kind of dorky looking) gaming headsets.

Does anyone have the headphones or similar ones from that brand? I’m wondering if it will work for chatting on the

Pretty cool though I wonder how many more seasons it should go on. After this one I think they’ve got room to go with a somewhat happier ending than it seemed like before but only if they wrap everyone’s storylines up in a season or two.

True but I think that kind of helped add humor to a mostly serious episode with Bojack trying to guess what happened to his neighbor and rush him to fly again. I took it as him being too aware of tv and movie tropes

Second! I just happened to watch the first of these and was wondering if there was a review, kind of weird finding the comments were gone and that someone already beat me to reclaim them lol

Yeah it is kind of neat how long it's fit that role now that you mention it. It's was always a good option to have on when I was up early getting ready for high school and then later for work.

Aw I like that idea. My thought was just that he wouldn't like them until Bob makes a propane or Dallas Cowboys pun for him.

Yeah that's pretty much my reaction, I immediately went from excited at reading the headline to conflicted when I remembered this.

It's weird how that's somehow both a funny but potentially shark-jumpy idea and a fairly plausible cabinet pick.

Well I think part of it is supposed to be that he doesn't talk to people much in general since he listens to music and doesn't speak around the gangsters and uses ASL with his adoptive parent and that's about all the interaction he has, but yeah "T. Rex" is a weird thing to mispronounce since it seems pretty self

I saw this Nick Thune movie "Dave Made a Maze" at the local art house theater about a guy who accidentally builds a labyrinth out of cardboard in his apartment so his friends go in to save him. It was pretty funny and had some neat visuals that were all practical. Coolest part was the writer, director, and Nick Thune

More evidence for my theory that "her career" that she and Barney broke up over was her secretly working for SHIELD.