Robert Zombie

I think that's probably a good guess to explain where Captain Marvel is and why no one has mentioned her, and if anything that pushes back seeing Kamala until she's a public hero, like with Spider-Man: Homecoming they planted seeds for Miles Morales to show up, but he's maybe 8 or so with how young Peter is . Or while

haha that would be great. Now that you mention it, he might be good as Hammerhead or one of the other non-Kingpin mobsters, but Joe Pesci as Doc Ock is too funny to pass up

Oh yeah, I haven't read much of it but I'm pretty sure he was Venom for a while. I'm still skeptical how far Sony will get in all their spinoff plans so maybe they should just load that one with as much symbiotes and mythology as they can lol

I haven't bought a dvd/blu-ray in a while but I'm strongly tempted for this one since I heard it will have more of those Captain America scenes

Same here, pretty much what I was guessing and I figured there was a strong possibility her hair would be dyed red or have highlights (and yet that still wouldn't appease the people upset at her casting even though that was definitely their only reason)

It would be cool to see him in a bigger more threatening role. It looked like he and Vulture were being set up to be at odds and part of the Sinister Six so maybe the rest could be other b-listers and he could pull off being the main antagonist

They could both be cool choices for main villains but I also wonder how they would get changed to not be too cheesy in a movie. It seems like they'd be hard to pull off but then again I was pleasantly surprised with the update Vulture got.

Now I'm thinking of way too many mashups for this… "Get out of here Peter! The symbiote turns all of your bad feelings into good feelings! You don't want none of this shit!"

I wouldn't say it was a big problem for me, but I was surprised they were so vague about it. I'm not sure they even said his name, though it could just be that this takes place long enough after his death that he and May have some closure.

I was going for a "Walk Hard" joke, I actually still need to see Wonder Woman but yeah I guess it did work in that case haha

It would kind of be a hilarious mistake to do that after everyone praised this movie for skipping it. It should start out looking like it will be stuffed with villains and Avengers cameos then just be an extended flashback. Hawkeye maybe: "Spider-Man needs to think about his entire life before saving the day."

I was confused at first thinking maybe he got in good shape and changed his whole look just for this minor role… but then he started talking and it really seemed like someone just walked up and correctly assumed they wouldn't know the difference.

I just happened to open youtube and see this was on so I figured I would check it out and a couple minutes later this happened. It was pretty weird seeing it in the moment, I ended up half listening to the rest of it while I was searching twitter for some explanation haha

haha I like how easily you accepted that scenario. Had you just seen Fight Club?

No, I'm not on twitter so I luckily I missed that. I did read one article while trying to find some of those responses that was fairly upset by it saying they used the shootings as punchlines which I suppose is fair point. It was funny though because the writer went on to give the benefit of the doubt only at the end

Since they're probably keeping Spider-Man in high school for the next one it would end up being an after school special

Maybe the Hulk goes on a rampage or Spider-Man wants to sue JJJ for libel and she will refer them to her lawyer friend and they'll of course ignore her advice.

I feel like the tone of her solo series could make for a better tv show, though they'd probably have to get pretty creative with the effects on a tv budget.

I saw an idea somewhere that with Hawkeye wanting a normal life there could have been some SHIELD trickery like implanting memories to give him that. Doesn't seem likely now of course but could be an interesting way to further show some of the shady stuff the government and Nick Fury have done and Clint finding out

I thought they did? Pretty sure there was one that was muted from Hector later on but I could be wrong