Robert Zombie

I recognized him from At Midnight and Conan, lol I never actually made the connection that he was the guy from these videos

Steve Buscemi's secretly been playing Chameleon the whole time!

And there was nice nod to her backstory with her daughter when she relates to Alison. There was a moment last season where I thought they would just ignore that altogether going forward

Good prediction but this doesn't come out until February, so Trump won't even…actually nevermind, that still works for Pence

I think some writers just have jokes they like and repeat them when they can. Wet Hot American Summer and They Came Together both had someone blaming someone else for shitting their pants and I swear Seth McFarlane's repeated the sperm bank supply pouring on someone in each of his shows and Ted (he's obviously a lot

"Fine. I'll do it myself." - Trump, as he puts on the Infinity Gauntlet only for it to fall off his tiny hand

At my brother's high school graduation there was a group of students sharing mostly inspirational quotes and one who recited this whole monologue. It was especially hilarious watching the ASL interpreter sign the whole thing and wondering how she knew the signs for "breathing appartuses made of kelp" right away.

They maybe did it one too many times but it was funny (in a super depressing way) how they went through basically each character comparing it to a different mass shooting.

Any other Bodega Boys/Desus and Mero fans crack up now at hearing "pino"? (no? just me?) Dev said it later to refer to dicks so at least I had that to not worry about having a dirty mind.

Definitely thought that at first but it's such a cliche that I changed my mind. But then they showed her with water again before fighting with Pino about whatever she was keeping from him and I thought maybe…

It definitely wasn't a great movie but those scenes cracked me up with the fact that they were usually just addressed as "Orgy" and I'm pretty sure Keifer Sutherland was playing himself

True, but I find her a lot more bearable once the show dropped the pretense that she's a regular innocent person everyone could relate to and seemed to hint she's got some real issues of her own. Plus I don't mind her as much now that the rest of the ensemble gets so much attention; season 1 and 2 I kept wanting

I like that way of explaining the show's outlook. Definitely explains why shows like "Bojack Horseman" and "You're the Worst" can be good but feel depressing and hard to watch for me since they often to seem to swing back to "people can't change."

I think it could be purposely vague as misdirection though, like everyone hears that and thinks it either refers to Luke or Rey, so Luke will die by the end, but there could turn out to be a whole bunch left in hiding and the title is still technically correct.

"Trump 2020: Make America Go Shiny and Chrome into Valhalla"?

I'm not sure I've seen anything perpetuate that, it's usually "Donald Trump Mocked A Disabled Reporter" and, it's debatable if his hand gestures were specifically in reference to him. Yes we should treat everyone equally but the point is that arguing Trump uses a general reference to the disabled to mock everyone is a

I saw one of his supporters link a lengthy explanation (from, I believe, Catholics for Trump) that boiled down to saying he couldn't have been making fun of the reporter's disability because he was doing the spastic hand motions he does for everyone and the reporter's arm is permanently in that position…so, it's okay

I saw someone else make this point the other day and I reluctantly agree. When I first heard John Oliver's piece about it I thought it was a fair point to keep throwing out considering Trump's insistence on calling Jon Stewart by his real name on twitter to what, shame him? (… ) But by now

I was still tired and read the headline as Trump himself kicking Buress out for not talking about Broad City, which would be weird but then again…

It does seem like the overlap between Broad City fans and Trump supporters would be pretty small