Robert Zombie

Good point, I was trying to figure out what felt so off about that and your idea probably would've helped. It was a clever joke but if they kept referring to him as a science teacher when he's clearly in full-blown villain mode it'd be a sharper comparison too.

Glad I'm not the only who thought this! Also that jerk kid (Dooley?) from King of the Hill that Mike Judge also voiced

Oh yeah, I think that was on The Nerdist or WTF. I forget his reasoning but it was a pretty interesting interview

Haha good point, I'll definitely try to push this instead of "too many villains"

I haven't watched "Superman Returns" in a while, doesn't someone get a better picture of Superman saving someone than Jimmy Olsen using a flip phone? That was a good touch, no way he could compete today

Not sure if it's totally a drama but he was good in "Nebraska." I could definitely see him transitioning to more dramatic roles.

It would be cool if this was the female centered Spider-Man spinoff that Sony kept talking about. I wasn't a big fan of either Amazing Spider-Man but it could be pretty interesting to see them make an alternate timeline movie with the same actors.

I could see that working out though, like Homer is still somehow oblivious to the horrible things he's doing and loyal to Hank. Have they ever said if they're making a sequel or not? Maybe they can still use him and Sideshow Bob in that.

Dewey destroying a sink every time he was freaking out was oddly hilarious.

I was laughing so hard when Axl took over from Sue and made a "Captain Philips" reference - "Sue, look at me. Look at me. I am the captain now." It was so unexpected and also funny because last time I visited my family my mom kept saying this to my dad and cracking herself up.

There's the scene in Walk Hard:
"This is a particularly bad case of someone being cut in half. I was not able to re-attach the top half of his body to the bottom half of his body."
"Speak English doc, we ain't scientists!"

I loved Hi-Five Ghost saying Muscle Man wouldn't stop beating him up until he pretended to be dead…it sadly took me a second to get and then I laughed way harder than I should have

Well, it couldn't hurt. I mean he's arguably one of the more interesting
and exciting characters from the comic but yeah I wasn't saying it
would fix the show's flaws or anything, just that it seemed neat that
they're possibly hinting toward that bigger story already.

Yeah that was kind of disappointing in a hilarious way.

I think that scene would have worked if later in the movie when the symbiote took over, he kept accidentally swinging in front of Communist flags or something

Yeah but *spoiler* Boo Boo's a coward and kills Yogi for reward money

I mostly like Michael Caine as Alfred except for some reason it really bugs me that he doesn't have the pencil thin mustache

Fuckface, now I really want to see a show where he turns into a Muppet lol.

naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nana na na nana na na katamari damacy